
This is the code documentation for the SproutCMS project

source of /sprout/Helpers/Locales/LocaleInfoTUR.php

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3.  * Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
  4.  *
  5.  * This file is a part of SproutCMS.
  6.  *
  7.  * SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
  8.  * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
  9.  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  10.  *
  11.  * For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
  12.  */
  14. namespace Sprout\Helpers\Locales;
  17. /**
  18.  * Locale info for Turkey; see {@see LocaleInfo}
  19.  */
  20. class LocaleInfoTUR extends LocaleInfo
  21. {
  22. protected $state_list = [
  23. 'Adana',
  24. 'Adiyaman',
  25. 'Afyonkarahisar',
  26. 'Ağrı',
  27. 'Amasya',
  28. 'Ankara',
  29. 'Antalya',
  30. 'Artvin',
  31. 'Aydın',
  32. 'Balıkesir',
  33. 'Bilecik',
  34. 'Bingöl',
  35. 'Bitlis',
  36. 'Bolu',
  37. 'Burdur',
  38. 'Bursa',
  39. 'Canakkale',
  40. 'Çankırı',
  41. 'Corum',
  42. 'Denizli',
  43. 'Diyarbakir',
  44. 'Edirne',
  45. 'Elazığ',
  46. 'Erzincan',
  47. 'Erzurum',
  48. 'Eskişehir',
  49. 'Gaziantep',
  50. 'Giresun',
  51. 'Gümüşhane',
  52. 'Hakkari',
  53. 'Hatay',
  54. 'Isparta',
  55. 'Mersin',
  56. 'İstanbul',
  57. 'İzmir',
  58. 'Kars',
  59. 'Kastamonu',
  60. 'Kayseri',
  61. 'Kırklareli',
  62. 'Kırşehir',
  63. 'Kocaeli',
  64. 'Konya',
  65. 'Kütahya',
  66. 'Malatya',
  67. 'Manisa',
  68. 'Kahramanmaraş',
  69. 'Mardin',
  70. 'Muğla',
  71. 'Muş',
  72. 'Nevsehir',
  73. 'Niğde',
  74. 'Ordu',
  75. 'Rize',
  76. 'Sakarya',
  77. 'Samsun',
  78. 'Siirt',
  79. 'Sinop',
  80. 'Sivas',
  81. 'Tekirdağ',
  82. 'Tokat',
  83. 'Trabzon',
  84. 'Tunceli',
  85. 'Şanlıurfa',
  86. 'Uşak',
  87. 'Van',
  88. 'Yozgat',
  89. 'Zonguldak',
  90. 'Aksaray',
  91. 'Bayburt',
  92. 'Karaman',
  93. 'Kırıkkale',
  94. 'Batman',
  95. 'Şırnak',
  96. 'Bartın',
  97. 'Ardahan',
  98. 'Iğdır',
  99. 'Yalova',
  100. 'Karabuk',
  101. 'Kilis',
  102. 'Osmaniye',
  103. 'Düzce',
  104. ];
  105. }