
This is the code documentation for the SproutCMS project

function renderTabItem()

Render a tab item, which may be a field, heading, html block, etc


html JsonForm::renderTabItem ( array $item , string $for , int $id , array $data , array $errors [, string $name_prepend ] );


  1. array $item
    The item definition
  2. string $for
    Either 'add', 'edit' or something custom; to check against the "for" parameter
  3. int $id
    Record ID; for pass-through to function calls
  4. array $data
    Data array; for pass-through to function calls
  5. array $errors
    Errors array; for pass-through to function calls
  6. string $name_prepend = ''
    Prepended to the field name. Only applies for fields

Return value