* Configuration for Sprout
* @package Kohana
use Sprout\Helpers\SearchHandler;
use Sprout\Helpers\WidgetArea;
// Super users are operators with access to all the developer tools
// Each entry is a username => details mapping, created by the tool at http://servername/dbtools/genPassHash
// An example is provided
$config['super_users'] = [
// 'test' => ['uid' => 1, 'hash' => '$2a$12$J/qUFM9j6KRb7lXvXtFhH.J8RhJYdP/3oeNetR3taDmNhTYMCJfkG', 'salt' => '109Du9gMwI'],
// jQuery version(s) to use
$config['jquery_front'] = '2.1.4';
$config['jqueryui_front'] = '1.11.4';
$config['jquery_admin'] = '2.1.4';
$config['jqueryui_admin'] = '1.11.4';
* Rich text field type
* 'TinyMCE4', 'Textarea'
$config['rich_text_type'] = 'TinyMCE4';
* Who to send emails to if any cronjobs fail
$config['cron_email'] = 'root@localhost';
* Email address for the webmaster/developer
* This is shown in places like the coming_soon and maintenance pages
$config['info_email'] = 'info@example.com';
* SMTP settings for email sending.
* If you need more options, edit sprout/libraries/Email.php
* The email library being used (PHPMailer) also supports other transports
* but support for these will need to be hacked in manually.
* smtp_server Server name or IP address
* smtp_port Server port
* smtp_secure Boolean to enable TLS
* smtp_autotls Boolean to automatically enable TLS if server supports it,
* even if smtp_secure is off. This needs to be switched off
* if the connection fails testing, e.g. due to a self-signed
* cert or hostname mismatch.
* smtp_auth Boolean to enable authentication
* smtp_username Authentication username
* smtp_password Authentication password
$config['smtp_server'] = 'localhost';
$config['smtp_port'] = 25;
$config['smtp_secure'] = false;
$config['smtp_autotls'] = true;
$config['smtp_auth'] = false;
$config['smtp_username'] = '';
$config['smtp_password'] = '';
* Restrict email sending to a given set of domain names.
* If set to NULL then there aren't any restrictions
$config['email_allowed_domains'] = null;
} else {
// Only permit email to be sent to addresses at devel.example.com
$config['email_allowed_domains'] = ['devel.example.com'];
* Proxy server to use
$config['httpreq_proxy_host'] = '';
$config['httpreq_proxy_port'] = '';
* Proxy auth, formatted as user:password
$config['httpreq_proxy_auth'] = '';
* Proxy type, either 'html' or 'socks5'
$config['httpreq_proxy_type'] = 'html';
// The default widgets are listed in sprout/sprout_load.php
// You can still add widgets in here if you really want though
* Define the widget area: embedded
$config['widget_areas'][1] = $area = new WidgetArea('embedded', 1);
$area->setNiceName('Embedded in content');
* Define the widget area: sidebar
$config['widget_areas'][2] = $area = new WidgetArea('sidebar', 2);
$area->addDefault('RelatedLinks', array());
* Define the widget area: email
$config['widget_areas'][4] = $area = new WidgetArea('email', 4);
* List of controllers (shorthand notation) to hide from admin tiles
* For example add 'recurring_payment' to this list if you're not using
* the recurring payment feature of the payments module
* Unlike operator permissions, this *does not* protect against direct-url
* access to these controllers; it only affects the display of the links.
$config['admin_tile_hidden'] = [];
* The URL which the user should be redirected to when logging in
$config['admin_intro'] = 'admin/dashboard';
* The domain to require for the admin control panel.
* If the admin is accessed from a different domain, the user is redirected
//$config['admin_domain'] = 'www.example.net';
* Restrict admin access to given IPs or CIDR ranges
//$config['admin_ips'] = array('');
* How strict the censorship is. 1 = Fairly lax, 3 = Fairly strict.
* This roughly translate into R18, M15, PG.
* Level 0 disables censorship.
$config['censor_level'] = 3;
* Update notification:
* Updates to pages will send an email to all operators, detailing the change made
$config['update_notify'] = false;
* Should the admin do record locking
* Turn this off if it's constantly giving trouble
$config['admin_locks'] = true;
* Allows per-page skin tweaking with custom CSS
$config['tweak_skin'] = false;
* Should we track stats for page traffic?
* This is normally of for performance, but is
* useful for a "popular pages" feature
$config['page_stats'] = false;
* Default class to handle CAPTCHA fields: 'DefaultCaptcha' or 'Recaptcha'
$config['captcha'] = 'Recaptcha';
* ReCAPTCHA keys, see https://www.google.com/recaptcha
// Keys for development usage
$config['recaptcha_public_key'] = 'please_generate_me_devel';
$config['recaptcha_private_key'] = 'please_generate_me_devel';
} else {
// Add live keys here
$config['recaptcha_public_key'] = 'please_generate_me';
$config['recaptcha_private_key'] = 'please_generate_me';
* Google Maps API keys
* An empty string will cause no key to be included in the JS call.
* The string "please_generate_me" will throw an exception
$config['google_maps_key'] = '';
$config['google_maps_secret'] = '';
} else {
$config['google_maps_key'] = 'please_generate_me';
$config['google_maps_secret'] = 'please_generate_me';
* Google Places API key
* Used for autocomplete address fields
$config['google_places_key'] = '';
} else {
$config['google_places_key'] = 'please_generate_me';
* Google YouTube API key
* An empty string will cause no key to be included in the JS call.
* The string "please_generate_me" will throw an exception
$config['google_youtube_api'] = '';
} else {
$config['google_youtube_api'] = 'please_generate_me';
* Default address to send stale page notifications to
$config['stale_page_email'] = 'stale@example.com';
} else {
$config['stale_page_email'] = 'stale@example.com';
* Default max age for new 'standard' page revisions, before they're counted as stale
$config['stale_page_age'] = 0;
* Number of days between resend of stale page info
$config['stale_page_resend_after'] = 7;
* Site unavailability.
* Makes it so that skin views will not be loaded but the specified message will be loaded instead.
* The admin will still work while the site is unavailable.
$config['unavailable'] = '';
//$config['unavailable'] = 'coming_soon';
//$config['unavailable'] = 'maintenance';
* Default quality for JPEGs that travel through the resize handler
$config['jpeg_quality'] = 80;
* Use interlacing on JPEGs (aka progressive JPEGs)
* This usually makes them smaller and on most browsers leads to the nice blur-in effect.
$config['jpeg_progressive'] = true;
* Per-hour rate limiting for admin authentication
$config['auth_rate_limit']['ip'] = 10;
$config['auth_rate_limit']['username'] = 10;
* Whether the server is behind a load balancer
* This is necessary to determine whether to trust X-Forwarded headers.
$config['load_balanced'] = false;
* Complexity requirements for password validation using the {@see Validity::password} method
$config['password_length'] = 8;
$config['password_classes'] = 2;
$config['password_bad_list'] = true;