source of /skin/sprout_load.php<?php use Sprout\Helpers\Needs; use Sprout\Helpers\Register; // Convert file/download/id(/size) links to actual file names e.g. 'files/123_example.jpg' Register::contentReplace('main_content', ['Sprout\\Helpers\\ContentReplace', 'fileDownload']); // Update document links to have a cache-buster and also Google event tracking Register::contentReplace('main_content', ['Sprout\\Helpers\\Sprout', 'specialFileLinks']); // Determine if there is a rel="facebox" in use and if so, load the Facebox library Register::contentReplace('inner_html', function($html) { if (preg_match('/class="[^"]*js-popup[^"]*"/', $html)) { } return $html; }); Register::templateVariable('hello', function() { return 'Hello World!'; });