* Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
* This file is a part of SproutCMS.
* SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
namespace Sprout\Controllers;
use DOMDocument;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use PDO;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use ReflectionMethod;
use ZipArchive;
use Kohana;
use Kohana_404_Exception;
use Kohana_Exception;
use karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\QueryException;
use karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\RowMissingException;
use Sprout\Exceptions\ValidationException;
use Sprout\Helpers\Admin;
use Sprout\Helpers\AdminAuth;
use Sprout\Helpers\Archive;
use Sprout\Helpers\Auth;
use Sprout\Helpers\Constants;
use Sprout\Helpers\Csrf;
use Sprout\Helpers\DatabaseSync;
use Sprout\Helpers\Email;
use Sprout\Helpers\Enc;
use Sprout\Helpers\Export;
use Sprout\Helpers\ExportTableSQL;
use Sprout\Helpers\Fb;
use Sprout\Helpers\FileIndexing;
use Sprout\Helpers\FileUpload;
use Sprout\Helpers\Form;
use Sprout\Helpers\Html;
use Sprout\Helpers\ImportCMS;
use Sprout\Helpers\Inflector;
use Sprout\Helpers\Itemlist;
use Sprout\Helpers\Json;
use Sprout\Helpers\LaunchChecks;
use Sprout\Helpers\Navigation;
use Sprout\Helpers\Needs;
use Sprout\Helpers\Notification;
use Sprout\Helpers\Pdb;
use Sprout\Helpers\QrCode;
use Sprout\Helpers\QueryTo;
use Sprout\Helpers\Register;
use Sprout\Helpers\Request;
use Sprout\Helpers\Router;
use Sprout\Helpers\Session;
use Sprout\Helpers\Sprout;
use Sprout\Helpers\SubsiteSelector;
use Sprout\Helpers\Subsites;
use Sprout\Helpers\Text;
use Sprout\Helpers\TreenodeValueMatcher;
use Sprout\Helpers\Url;
use Sprout\Helpers\Validator;
use Sprout\Helpers\Validity;
use Sprout\Helpers\View;
* Provides tools for dealing with the database
* Tools include a sync tool and a structure viewer
class DbToolsController extends Controller
private $template_enabled = true;
* List of tools to show in the sidebar and index view
public static $tools = [
'Development' => [
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/sql', 'name' => 'SQL', 'desc' => 'Allows the user to execute SQL queries' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/sync', 'name' => 'Database sync', 'desc' => 'Syncs the db structure to match db_struct.xml' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/struct', 'name' => 'View db structure', 'desc' => 'Shows table and column definitions' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/testSkinTemplates', 'name' => 'Test skin templates', 'desc' => 'Simple tool for testing skin templates' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/sessionEditor', 'name' => 'Session editor', 'desc' => 'Edit the $_SESSION' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/listRoutes', 'name' => 'Routes inspector', 'desc' => 'View a list of routes' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/extra/worker_job/manual_run', 'name' => 'Manual run worker job', 'desc' => 'Manually run a worker job in a browser' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/extra/cron_job/manual_run', 'name' => 'Manual run cron job', 'desc' => 'Manually run a cron job in a browser' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/style_guide', 'name' => 'Admin style guide', 'desc' => 'View styles of various admin features - form fields, etc' ],
'Code generation' => [
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/moduleBuilder', 'name' => 'Module builder', 'desc' => 'Generates blank modules' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/moduleBuilderDb', 'name' => 'Database struct generator', 'desc' => 'Generates db_struct.xml content for a module' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/moduleBuilderExisting', 'name' => 'Module builder from existing', 'desc' => 'Generates modules from an existing db_struct.xml file' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/multimake', 'name' => 'Generate multiedit', 'desc' => 'Generate multiedit code' ],
'Environment' => [
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/info', 'name' => 'Env and PHP info', 'desc' => 'Sprout information + phpinfo()' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/varDump', 'name' => 'Var dump', 'desc' => 'View session, cookie & server data'],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/email', 'name' => 'Test email', 'desc' => 'Renders form to send emails' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/launchChecks', 'name' => 'Launch checks', 'desc' => 'Run a series of self-tests to ensure everything is configured correctly' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/user-agent', 'name' => 'User agent tool', 'desc' => 'Show browser information<br><span>(this link doesn\'t require auth)</span>' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/generatePasswordHash', 'name' => 'Generate password hash', 'desc' => 'Generate a password hash to store in a config file' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/bcryptSpeed', 'name' => 'Test hashing speed', 'desc' => 'Test hasing speed of bcrypt' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/fileTypesIndexingSupport', 'name' => 'File indexing support', 'desc' => 'List of file types which can be indexed for full-text search' ],
'Logs' => [
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/exceptionLog', 'name' => 'Exception log', 'desc' => 'Browse and search exceptions' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/intro/cron_job', 'name' => 'Cron job log', 'desc' => 'Cron (scheduled task) log' ],
[ 'url' => 'admin/intro/worker_job', 'name' => 'Worker job log', 'desc' => 'Log of worker (background) processes' ],
'Migration' => [
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/exportFiles', 'name' => 'Export files', 'desc' => 'Exports all files' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/exportTables', 'name' => 'Export database', 'desc' => 'Export tables to an SQL file' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/importFiles', 'name' => 'Import files', 'desc' => 'Imports a files into the cms' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/importTables', 'name' => 'Import database', 'desc' => 'Import database tables from a .sql file' ],
[ 'url' => 'dbtools/importXML', 'name' => 'Import XML', 'desc' => 'Import Sprout2 CMS export' ],
* Constructor
public function __construct()
// Command-line access does not require auth OR output buffering
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') return;
// Require remote (super) auth
if (AdminAuth::isSuper() !== true) {
Notification::error('Access denied');
// Don't start output buffering for some methods
if (strpos(Router
::$method, 'json_') === 0) return; if (Router::$method == 'gettempfile') return;
if (Router::$method == 'sqlcsv') return;
// Execute some code for each module
// This usually just loads some menu items
$module_paths = Register::getModuleDirs();
foreach ($module_paths as $path) {
$path .= '/admin_load.php';
// Load registered API test controllers
$apis = Register::getDbtoolsApi();
if (count($apis) > 0) self::$tools['APIs'] = [];
foreach ($apis as $api) {
// Validate
if (empty($api['class']) || empty($api['method'])) continue;
// Populate dbtools list
self::$tools['APIs'][] = array( 'url' => sprintf('dbtools/api/%s/%s', Enc
::url($api['class']), Enc
::url($api['method'])), 'name' => !empty($api['title']) ?
$api['title'] : $api['class'], 'desc' => !empty($api['desc']) ?
$api['desc'] : 'API test form', );
// Output buffering allows the methods to "echo" directly, and then the output
// is captured and wrapped up in a template by the ->template() method
* Render dbtools template
* @param string HTML
* @return void Echos HTML directly
private function template($main_title, $html = null)
if (!$this->template_enabled) return;
$nav = new View('sprout/dbtools/navigation');
$view = new View('sprout/admin/main_layout');
$view->main_title = $main_title;
$view->browser_title = $main_title;
$view->controller_name = 'dbtools';
$view->controller_navigation_name = 'Dev tools';
$view->live_url = '';
$view->nav = $nav->render();
$view->nav_tools = '';
$view->main_content = $main_content . $html;
echo $view->render();
* Shows a list of database tools
public function index()
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/overview');
$view->sections = self::$tools;
$view->base_class = 'dbtools-box white-box column column-3';
$this->template('Database and system tools', $view->render());
* Output some sprout and platform info
public function info()
'Server software' => @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
'Server OS' => PHP_OS,
'IN_PRODUCTION' => IN_PRODUCTION ? 'true' : 'false',
'Request::userIp' => Request::userIp(),
'Request::method' => Request::method(),
'Request::isAjax' => (Request::isAjax() ? 'true' : 'false'),
'Request::protocol' => Request::protocol(),
'PHP date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), );
try {
$row = Pdb::q("SELECT NOW() AS now, @@session.time_zone AS tz", [], 'row');
$vals['MySQL date'] = $row['now'];
$vals['MySQL TZ'] = $row['tz'];
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$vals['MySQL date'] = 'Lookup failure';
$vals['MySQL TZ'] = 'Lookup failure';
$vals['Sprout::absRoot'] = Sprout::absRoot();
$vals['Subsite ID'] = SubsiteSelector::$subsite_id;
$q = "SELECT id, name, code, active FROM ~subsites ORDER BY id";
$subsites = Pdb::query($q, [], 'arr');
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/php_info');
$view->vals = $vals;
$view->subsites = $subsites;
$this->template('Env and PHP info', $view->render());
* Benchmark the server to find appropriate cost parameter
public function bcryptSpeed()
$results = [];
$cost = 8;
$thresh_secs = 0.5;
do {
password_hash("test", PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => $cost]);
$results[$cost] = $time_secs;
} while ($time_secs < $thresh_secs);
echo '<p>This tool reports the time required to hash a password using bcrypt and varying levels of difficulty cost.</p>';
echo '<pre>';
foreach ($results as $cost => $time_secs) {
echo 'Cost ', $cost, ' took ', number_format($time_secs * 1000, 2), ' ms', PHP_EOL
; }
echo '</pre>';
$this->template('Test hashing speed');
* Renders SQL result set into a table
* @param PDOStatement $results Query result
* @param mixed
* @return int Number of rows
private function outputSqlResultset($results, $headings = null)
if ($results->columnCount() == 0) return;
if ($results->rowCount() == 0) return;
$columns = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $results->columnCount(); ++$i) {
$col = $results->getColumnMeta($i);
$columns[] = $col['name'];
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/sql_result');
$view->results = $results;
$view->columns = $columns;
return $results->rowCount();
# Tools are below.
* Syncs the db structure to match db_struct.xml
public function sync()
$act = false;
if (isset($_POST['act']) and
$_POST['act'] === 'yes') $act = true; if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') $act = true;
// If there is no tables, act straight away without asking the user
$num = 0;
try {
$num += (int) Pdb::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~operators", [], 'val');
$num += (int) Pdb::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~pages", [], 'val');
$num += (int) Pdb::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~subsites", [], 'val');
} catch (Exception $ex) {}
if ($num == 0) {
$act = true;
$sync = new DatabaseSync($act);
$chk = $sync->checkConnPermissions();
if ($chk !== true) {
echo '<p>Insufficent database permissions for this tool.</p>';
echo '<p>Additional permissions required: ', implode(', ', $chk), '.</p>'; return;
if ($sync->hasLoadErrors()) {
echo $sync->getLoadErrorsHtml();
$this->template('Database sync');
$out = $sync->updateDatabase();
if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') {
if ($out) {
$out = str_replace('<pre class="query">', ' --> ', $out); echo PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'Everything is up to date.', PHP_EOL;
if ($out == '') {
echo '<p>Everything is up to date.</p>';
} else {
echo '<style>';
echo '.update-log .query { color: blue; border: none; padding: 0 0 0 100px; }';
echo '.update-log b { display: inline-block; width: 100px; }';
echo '.update-log p.heading { margin: 20px 0 5px; }';
echo '.update-log pre { margin-bottom: 0; }';
echo '</style>';
if (!$act) {
echo '<form action="dbtools/sync" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="act" value="yes">';
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button button-orange icon-after icon-loop">Run this sync</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
echo '<div class="update-log">';
echo $out;
echo '</div>';
if (!$act) {
echo '<form action="dbtools/sync" method="post">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="act" value="yes">';
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button button-orange icon-after icon-loop">Run this sync</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
// Clear the Kohana caches too
if (file_exists(APPPATH
. 'cache/kohana_configuration')) { unlink(APPPATH
. 'cache/kohana_configuration'); }
if (file_exists(APPPATH
. 'cache/kohana_find_file_paths')) { unlink(APPPATH
. 'cache/kohana_find_file_paths'); }
. 'cache/kohana_language'); }
$this->template('Database sync');
* Shows table and column definitions
public function struct($arg = '')
// Show columns if a table was specified
echo "<h3>Columns from {$arg}</h3>";
$q = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `{$arg}`";
$res = Pdb::query($q, [], 'pdo');
echo "<h3>Example data from {$arg}</h3>";
$q = "SELECT * FROM `{$arg}` LIMIT 3";
$res = Pdb::query($q, [], 'pdo');
$count = $this->outputSqlResultset($res);
if ($count == 0) echo '<p><i>No data is in this table at this time</i></p>';
// Show a list of tables
$params = [];
if (!empty($_GET['search'])) { $q .= " WHERE NAME LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')";
$params[] = $_GET['search'];
$res = Pdb::query($q, $params, 'pdo');
$ignore_cols = ['Row_format', 'Max_data_length', 'Auto_increment', 'Comment', 'Version', 'Create_time',
'Update_time', 'Check_time', 'Collation', 'Checksum', 'Create_options'];
for ($i = 0; $i < $res->columnCount(); ++$i) {
$meta = $res->getColumnMeta($i);
$val = $meta['name'];
if (in_array($val, $ignore_cols)) continue; $headings[$val] = $val;
// Remove ignored columns
$results = [];
foreach ($res as $row) {
foreach ($ignore_cols as $ignore) {
$columns = [];
foreach ($row as $name => $val) {
$columns[$name] = $val;
$results[] = $columns;
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/db_struct');
$view->headings = $headings;
$view->results = $results;
$this->template('Database structure', $view->render());
* Splits a set of SQL queries into individual queries
private function splitSql($all)
$offset = 0;
$query = '';
$quote = '';
while ($offset < $length) {
// Search for end-of-statement
if ($quote == '' and $all[$offset] == ';') {
$queries[] = $query;
$query = '';
if ($quote != '' and $all[$offset] == '\\') {
$query .= '\\';
$query .= $all[$offset];
if ($all[$offset] == "'") {
if ($quote == "'") {
$quote = '';
} else if ($quote == '') {
$quote = "'";
if ($all[$offset] == '"') {
if ($quote == '"') {
$quote = '';
} else if ($quote == '') {
$quote = '"';
$query .= $all[$offset];
if ($query) $queries[] = $query;
return $queries;
* Allows the user to execute SQL queries
public function sql()
$out = '';
$vars = [0 => []];
$binds = [];
$idx = 0;
foreach ($_POST['vars'] as $var) {
if (empty($var['key']) and
(!isset($var['val']) or
$var['val'] === '')) continue;
$key = (string) @$var['key'];
$val = (string) @$var['val'];
if ($key) {
$binds[$key] = $val;
} else {
$binds[] = $val;
$vars[$idx]['key'] = $key;
$vars[$idx]['val'] = $val;
// Split up the queries
if (isset($_POST['sql'])) { Csrf::checkOrDie();
$successes = 0;
$failures = 0;
$queries = $this->splitSql($_POST['sql']);
// Execute the queries
foreach ($queries as $q) {
$res = false;
if ($q == '') continue;
$out .= "<div class=\"sql-block\">\n";
$out .= '<pre class="sql">' . Enc::html($q) . '</pre>';
if (!empty($_POST['profile'])) { Pdb::query("SET profiling=1", [], 'count');
$bind_subset = Pdb::getBindSubset($q, $binds);
try {
$res = Pdb::query($q, $bind_subset, 'pdo');
$successes ++;
} catch (QueryException $ex) {
$out .= '<ul class="messages all-type-error"><li class="error">';
$out .= nl2br(Enc
$failures ++;
// If a DROP TABLE query fails due to a foreign key constraint, list the constraining columns
if ($ex->state == 23000) {
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/^DROP\s+TABLE\s+~([a-z0-9_]+)$/i', $q, $matches)) { $deps = Pdb::getDependentKeys($matches[1]);
$out .= '<p style="margin-bottom: 0;">The following columns link to the specified table:</p>';
$out .= '<p style="padding-left: 30px; margin: 0;">';
$out = '';
foreach ($deps as $dep) {
$out .= Enc::html("{$dep['table']}.{$dep['column']}") . '<br>';
$out .= '</p>';
$out .= '</li></ul>';
if (!empty($_POST['profile'])) { Pdb::query("SET profiling=0", [], 'count');
if (! $res) continue;
$out .= sprintf('<ul class="messages"><li class="neutral neutral-grey">%u %s</li></ul>', $res->rowCount(), Inflector
::singular('rows', $res->rowCount()));
if (!empty($_POST['explain'])) { $q = "EXPLAIN {$q}";
$res = Pdb::query($q, [], 'pdo');
$out .= "</div>\n";
if ((!empty($queries) and
count($queries) > 0) and
$failures > 0) { Notification
::error(sprintf('Failed to execute %u %s. Scroll down for results', $failures, Inflector
::singular('queries', $failures))); }
if ((!empty($queries) and
count($queries) > 0) and
$successes > 0) { Notification
::confirm(sprintf('Executed %u %s. Scroll down for results', $successes, Inflector
::singular('queries', $successes))); }
// Show profiling info
if (!empty($_POST['profile'])) {
$res = Pdb::query($q, [], 'arr');
foreach ($res as $row) {
$q = "SHOW PROFILE FOR QUERY {$row['Query_ID']}";
$res2 = Pdb::query($q, [], 'pdo');
$out .= "<h3>Query #{$row['Query_ID']}; total duration: {$row['Duration']}</h3>";
$out .= '<pre class="sql">' . Enc::html($row['Query']) . '</pre>';
$out .= '</div>';
$res = Pdb::query('SHOW TABLES', [], 'col');
$tables = [];
foreach ($res as $row) {
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/sql');
$view->vars = $vars;
$view->tables = $tables;
$view->results = $out;
echo $view->render();
$this->template('SQL query');
public function sqlcsv()
if (empty($_POST['sql'])) { Url::redirect('dbtools/sql');
$rows = Pdb::q($_POST['sql'], [], 'pdo');
$csv = QueryTo::csv($rows);
if (!$csv) {
echo "CSV generation failed";
header('Content-type: text/csv'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="sql.csv"'); echo $csv;
public function ajaxTableDefn($table)
$table = trim($table, '~'); try {
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
// Get FKs and group them by columns
$fks = [];
$fk_defs = Pdb::getForeignKeys($table);
foreach ($fk_defs as $fk) {
$fks[$fk['source_column']][] = "{$fk['target_table']}.{$fk['target_column']}";
$allowed_keys = ['Field', 'Type', 'Null', 'Key', 'Default', 'Collation'];
$raw_res = Pdb::q("SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ~{$table}", [], 'pdo');
$res = [];
foreach ($raw_res as $raw_row) {
$row = [];
foreach ($allowed_keys as $key) {
$row[$key] = $raw_row[$key];
if (isset($fks[$row['Field']])) { $row['FK'] = implode(', ', $fks[$row['Field']]); } else {
$row['FK'] = '';
$res[] = $row;
echo Json::out($res);
* Import database tables from a .sql file
public function importTables()
echo '<p><em>Accepts raw SQL files, and zip archives.</em></p>';
} else {
echo '<p><em>Accepts raw SQL files.</em></p>';
echo '<form action="SITE/dbtools/importSave" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo Csrf::token();
Form::nextFieldDetails('File', true);
echo Form::upload('filename');
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-file_upload">Upload file</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
$this->template('Import tables');
public function importSave()
$valid_exts = ['sql'];
$valid_exts[] = 'zip';
echo "Invalid file type, suported types: " . implode(', ', $valid_exts); return;
// Determine temp filename
$tempname = "dbtools_import_{$timestamp}.{$ext}";
$res = @copy($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], APPPATH
. 'temp/' . $tempname); if (! $res) {
echo 'Unable to copy file to temporary directory';
Url::redirect('dbtools/importOptions?tempname=' . Enc::url($tempname));
public function importOptions()
echo '<p>Uploaded file: <code>', Enc::html($_GET['tempname']), '</code></p>';
$tempname = APPPATH . 'temp/' . $_GET['tempname'];
if (File::getExt($tempname) == 'zip') { $za = new ZipArchive();
$sql = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) {
$info = $za->statIndex($i);
echo "<p>It's a zip file containing {$sql} SQL files.</p>";
} else if (File::getExt($tempname) == 'sql') { echo "<p>It's a single SQL file.</p>";
echo '<form action="SITE/dbtools/importAction" method="post" target="process" onsubmit="$(\'iframe\').show(); $(this).find(\'.action-bar\').remove();">';
echo Csrf::token();
echo ' <input type="hidden" name="tempname" value="', Enc::html($_GET['tempname']), '">';
echo ' <div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-before icon-check">Process file</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
echo '<iframe name="process" style="border: 1px #999 dashed; margin: 30px 0; width: 700px; height: 300px; display: none;"></iframe>';
$this->template('Import tables');
* Action for importing tables
public function importAction()
echo '<style>body { font-size: 11px; font-family: sans-serif; } p { margin: 0; }</style>';
$tempname = APPPATH . 'temp/' . $_POST['tempname'];
echo "<p>Processing: '{$tempname}'.</p>";
// Rip SQL files out of ZIP file
if (File::getExt($tempname) == 'zip') { $za = new ZipArchive();
for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) {
$info = $za->statIndex($i);
echo "<p>Found sql file in zip: '{$info['name']}'.</p>";
$sql_files[] = $za->getFromIndex($i);
} else if (File::getExt($tempname) == 'sql') { echo "<p>Found sql file: '{$tempname}'.</p>";
echo '<p>Processing ' . count($sql_files) . ' sql file(s).</p>';
// Process files
$idx = 0;
foreach ($sql_files as $file) {
echo '<p>Processing file # ', $idx, '.</p>';
$queries = $this->splitSql($file);
echo '<p>File # ', $idx, ' contains ', count($queries), ' queries.</p>';
Pdb::q("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0", [], 'null');
$qidx = 0;
foreach ($queries as $q) {
if ($q == '') continue;
try {
Pdb::q($q, [], 'count');
} catch (Exception $ex) {
echo '<p>Failed query: <code>' . Enc::html($q) . '</code>, exception: ',
Enc::html($ex->getMessage()), '</p>';
if ($qidx % 1000 == 0) {
echo '<p>Done ', $qidx, ' queries.</p>';
Pdb::q("SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1", [], 'null');
echo '<p>File # ', $idx, ' finished.</p>';
echo '<p>Import complete, running sync...</p>';
$sync = new DatabaseSync(true);
if ($sync->hasLoadErrors()) {
echo $sync->getLoadErrorsHtml();
echo $sync->updateDatabase();
echo '<p>Sync complete</p>';
* Run a series of self-tests to ensure everything is configured correctly
public function launchChecks()
$results = LaunchChecks::runTests();
echo '<style>';
echo '.status--okay { color: #005306; }';
echo '.status--warning { color: #C26600; }';
echo '.status--error { color: #B20000; }';
echo '</style>';
$itemlist = new Itemlist();
$itemlist->items = $results;
$itemlist->main_columns = [
'Check' => 'check',
'Skin' => 'skin',
'Result' => 'result',
'Message' => 'message',
return 'status--' . $row['result'];
echo $itemlist->render();
$this->template('Launch checks');
* Returns a list of file types which can be indexed for fulltext search
public function fileTypesIndexingSupport()
'txt' => '',
'csv' => '',
'pdf' => 'pdftotext',
'doc' => 'antiword',
'docx' => 'perl',
'odt' => 'odt2txt',
'xls' => 'xls2csv'
$out = '<table class="main-list">';
$out .= '<thead><tr><th>Format</th><th>Supported?</th></thead>';
$out .= '<tbody>';
foreach ($exts as $e => $pkg) {
$out .= '<tr>';
$out .= '<td>' . $e . '</td>';
if (FileIndexing::isExtSupported($e)) {
$out .= '<td>Yes</td>';
} else {
$out .= '<td><span style="color: #900;">No.</span> Please install "' . $pkg . '".</td>';
$out .= '</tr>';
$out .= '</tbody>';
$out .= '</table>';
echo $out;
$this->template('File types with indexing support');
* Export tables to an SQL file
public function exportTables()
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('a.next-toggle').click(function() {
return false;
// Show a list of tables
$db_tables = Pdb::q($q, [], 'arr');
<p><a class="preview" id="select-all-none" href="#">Select all/none</a></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var all_checked = true;
$("input[name*='tables[']").each(function() {
if (!$(this).attr('checked')) all_checked = false;
if (all_checked) {
$("input[name*='tables[']").each(function() {
} else {
$("input[name*='tables[']").each(function() {
$(this).attr('checked', 'checked');
return false;
echo '<form action="SITE/dbtools/exportAction" method="post">';
echo Csrf::token();
echo '<table class="main-list main-list-no-js">';
echo '<col width="1"><col width="230"><col width="40"><col width="40"><col width="200"><col width="200"><col width="1"><col width="1"><col width="75">';
echo '<thead><tr><th style="width: 1px;"> </th>';
echo '<th>Name</th><th>Rows</th><th>Size</th><th colspan="2">Options</th><th>Drop</th><th>Structure</th><th>Data</th>';
echo '</tr></thead>';
echo '<tbody>';
$idx = 0;
$prefix = Pdb::prefix();
foreach ($db_tables as $table) {
$column_options = '<p>No options yet.</p>';
$where_options = '<p><b>Where clause:</b>';
$where_options .= "<br><input type=\"text\" name=\"where[{$idx}]\"></p>";
$type_options = "<select name=\"data[{$idx}]\">";
$type_options .= '<option value="' . ExportTableSQL::DATA_INSERT . '">Insert</option>';
$type_options .= '<option value="' . ExportTableSQL::DATA_BOTH . '">Insert...update</option>';
$type_options .= '<option value="' . ExportTableSQL::DATA_UPDATE .'">Update</option>';
$type_options .= '<option value="' . ExportTableSQL::DATA_CSV . '">CSV file</option>';
$type_options .= '<option value="' . ExportTableSQL::DATA_NONE . '">None</option>';
$type_options .= '</select>';
$checked = '';
if (strpos($table['Name'], $prefix) === 0) $checked = ' checked';
echo '<tr>';
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"tables[{$idx}]\" value=\"{$table['Name']}\"{$checked}></td>";
echo "<td>{$table['Name']}</td>";
echo "<td>{$table['Rows']}</td>";
echo "<td>" . $this->sizeToHuman($table['Data_length']) . "</td>";
echo '<td><a href="#" class="next-toggle">Columns</a><div>' . $column_options . '</div></td>';
echo '<td><a href="#" class="next-toggle">Where clause</a><div>' . $where_options . '</div></td>';
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"drop[{$idx}]\" value=\"1\" checked></td>";
echo "<td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"structure[{$idx}]\" value=\"1\" checked></td>";
echo '<td>' . $type_options . '</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</tbody>';
echo '</table>';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="split_table" value="1"> Split the export per table.</p>';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="split_size" value="1" checked> Split the export into chunks no bigger than <input type="text" name="split_amount" value="8m">. <small>(prefixes: k, m, g)</small></p>';
echo '<p><input type="checkbox" name="compress" value="1" checked> Compress the file into a zip archive.</p>';
echo '<p><b>DBMS:</b> <select name="dbms" style="width: 100px;"><option>MySQL<option>SQLite</select></p>';
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-save">Export</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
$this->template('Export tables');
* Render table data size in human readable form
* @param int $size
* @return string HTML
private function sizeToHuman($size)
static $types = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
$size = (int) $size;
$type = 0;
while ($size > 1024) {
$size /= 1024;
if ($type > 5) break;
return sprintf('%s %s', round($size, 1), $types[$type]); }
* Does the actual export
* @post tables Array of tables
* @post dbms DBMS - MySQL or SQLite
* @post split_tables Split the export per table
* @post split_size Split the export by size
* @post split_amount Split the export by size - size in kb, mb or gb
* @post compress Should the data be compressed
* @return void Outputs HTML directly
public function exportAction()
if (empty($_POST['tables'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('No tables specified');
$temp_filename = 'temp/export-' . time() . '-';
$class = 'Sprout\Helpers\ExportDBMS_' . $_POST['dbms'];
$dbms = Sprout::instance($class);
$export = new Export();
$export->setFilenamePrefix(APPPATH . $temp_filename);
if (!empty($_POST['split_table'])) { $export->split_table = true;
if (
isset($_POST['split_size']) and
isset($_POST['split_amount']) and
preg_match('/([0-9]+)\s?([kmg])/', $_POST['split_amount'], $matches) ) {
if ($matches[2] == 'k') $amt = $matches[1] * 1000;
if ($matches[2] == 'm') $amt = $matches[1] * 1000 * 1000;
if ($matches[2] == 'g') $amt = $matches[1] * 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
$export->split_size = $amt;
foreach ($_POST['tables'] as $idx => $table_name) {
$table = new ExportTableSQL();
$table->name = $table_name;
$table->drop = (bool)@$_POST['drop'][$idx];
$table->structure = (bool)@$_POST['structure'][$idx];
$table->data = $_POST['data'][$idx];
$table->where = $_POST['where'][$idx];
if (!empty($_POST['compress'])) { $name = Kohana::config('sprout.site_title');
$name = 'sql_' . date('Y-m-d') . '_' . $name . '.zip'; $export->buildArchive($name);
$files = $export->getGeneratedFiles();
foreach ($files as $f) {
echo "<p><a href=\"SITE/dbtools/gettempfile/export-database/{$f_url}/{$f}\">{$f}</a></p>";
$this->template('Export tables');
* Imports a files into the cms
public function importFiles()
echo '<p><em>ARGH! No ZIP support!</em></p>';
echo '<form action="SITE/dbtools/importFileAction" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
echo Csrf::token();
Form::nextFieldDetails('File', true);
echo Form::upload('filename');
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-file_upload">Import files</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
$this->template('Import files');
* Action for importing files
public function importFileAction()
echo '<p><em>ARGH! No ZIP support!</em></p>';
if (empty($_FILES['filename']) or
$_FILES['filename']['error'] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK
) { Notification::error('There was an error uploading your file, please try again.');
if (File::getExt($_FILES['filename']['name']) !== 'zip') { Notification::error('Invalid file type; only .zip files are supported.');
copy($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], APPPATH
. 'temp/import.zip');
$za = new ZipArchive();
$za->open(APPPATH . 'temp/import.zip');
// Check for disallowed file types
$invalid = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) {
$filename = $za->getNameIndex($i);
if (!FileUpload::checkFilename($filename)) {
$invalid[] = $filename;
// If there are any disallowed files in the ZIP, then stop
. 'temp/import.zip'); header('Content-type: text/plain'); echo "DISALLOWED FILES FOUND:\n - ", implode("\n - ", $invalid); }
for ($i = 0; $i < $za->numFiles; $i++) {
@File::putString($za->getNameIndex($i), $za->getFromIndex($i)); }
. 'temp/import.zip');
echo '<p>Done.</p>';
$this->template('Import files');
* Allows files to be downloaded from the temporary directory
* Only certain files from the temp directory can be downloaded.
* Each 'source' has a regex which is used to restrict downloads to only that particular type of file
* @param string $source The source of the file, one of 'export-database', 'export-files', 'module-builder'
* @param string $tempfile File name in the temporary directory
* @param string $orig Alternate name to use when providing file to browser
public function gettempfile($source, $tempfile, $orig = null)
$validation_regexes = [
'export-database' => '/^export-[0-9]+-(?:sql_[-0-9]+_.+\.zip|.+\.sql)$/',
'export-files' => '/^files_[-0-9]+_.+\.zip$/',
'module-builder' => '/^mt_[0-9]+\.tar\.bz2$/',
if (!isset($validation_regexes[$source])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid source specified');
if (!preg_match($validation_regexes[$source], $tempfile)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid tempfile specified');
$disk_filename = APPPATH . 'temp/' . $tempfile;
throw new Kohana_404_Exception($tempfile);
// If no original name, use the disk filename
if (! $orig) {
$orig = $tempfile;
// Determine mimetype
'txt' => 'text/plain',
'sql' => 'text/plain',
'zip' => 'application/zip',
'bz2' => 'application/bzip2',
'gz' => 'application/gzip',
if (! $mime = $mimetypes[$ext]) {
$mime = 'application/octet-stream';
// Make sure there's no buffering, or large files will exhaust PHP's memory allocation
header ("Content-type: {$mime}"); header ("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$orig}\""); }
* UI to export all files
public function exportFiles()
echo "<p>Found " . count($files) . " files.\n";
echo '<p>NOTE: Exports of many files may take a long time and/or fail.</p>';
echo '<form action="dbtools/exportFilesAction" method="post">';
echo Csrf::token();
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button">Export files</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
$this->template('Export files');
* Action to export all files
public function exportFilesAction()
echo "<p>Found " . count($files) . " files.\n";
// Prep archive
$arch = new Archive('zip');
foreach ($files as $filename) {
$temp = File::createLocalCopy($filename); if (!$temp) continue;
$arch->add($temp, $filename);
$temp_names[] = $temp;
// Build file name
$name = Kohana::config('sprout.site_title');
$name = 'files_' . date('Y-m-d') . '_' . $name . '.zip';
// Save archive
echo "<p>Saving archive.\n";
$arch->save(APPPATH . 'temp/' . $name);
// Nuke temps
foreach ($temp_names as $temp) {
File::cleanupLocalCopy($temp); }
// Offer download link
echo "<div class=\"action-bar\"><a href=\"SITE/dbtools/gettempfile/export-files/{$name}\" class=\"button icon-after icon-save\">Download: {$name}</a></div>";
$this->template('Export files');
* Edit the $_SESSION
public function sessionEditor()
echo '<style>';
echo 'div.val { margin: 0 20px 15px; padding: 5px; clear: right; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); border-radius: 3px; }';
echo 'div.val div.val:last-child { margin-bottom: 6px; }';
echo 'div.val p { margin: 0; padding: 0; cursor: default; line-height: 32px; }';
echo 'div.val h3 { margin: 0 0 5px 0; padding: 0; }';
echo 'div.val form { margin: 0; padding: 0; }';
echo 'div.val:hover { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); }';
echo 'div.val:hover p { color: #fff; }';
echo 'div.val:hover h3 { color: #fff; }';
echo 'div.val button.right { margin: 0; }';
echo '</style>';
echo '<h3>$_SESSION</h3>';
$this->sessionLoop($_SESSION, 0, []);
$this->template('Session editor');
* List items in an array, along with the tools buttons
private function sessionLoop(&$a, $depth, $keys)
if ($depth > 50) {
echo '<p>TOO DEEP!</p>';
foreach ($a as $key => $val) {
$this_keys = $keys;
$this_keys[] = $key;
// Can't delete protected/private members
$can_delete = true;
foreach ($this_keys as $k) {
if (strpos($k, '->') !== false) { $can_delete = false;
echo '<div class="val -clearfix">';
if ($can_delete) {
echo '<form action="SITE/dbtools/sessionEditorAction" method="post">';
foreach ($this_keys as $k) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="key[]" value="' . Enc::url($k) . '">';
echo '<button type="submit" value="delete" name="do" class="button right button-orange button-small icon-after icon-close">Delete</button>';
echo '</form>';
echo '<h3>' . Enc::html($key) . '</h3>';
echo '<div class="val"><p><i>(empty array)</i></p></div>';
} else {
$this->sessionLoop($val, $depth + 1, $this_keys);
echo '<h3>' . Enc
::html($key) . ' <i>' . get_class($val); $parent = $val;
echo " ex $parent";
$i = 0;
foreach ($implements as $interface) {
if (++$i == 1) {
echo ' impl ';
} else {
echo ', ';
echo $interface;
echo '</i></h3>';
$obj_all_members = (array) $val;
foreach ($obj_all_members as $mem_key => $mem_val) {
// N.B. This doesn't work (it returns an array):
// $new_key = preg_replace('/[^\0]*\0+/', '', $mem_key);
// Undocumented PHP behaviour; assume \0 is interpreted
// in $pattern as it is in $replacement
$null_pos = strrpos($mem_key, "\0"); if ($null_pos !== false) {
$new_key = substr($mem_key, $null_pos + 1); } else {
$new_key = $mem_key;
if (in_array($new_key, $obj_pub_members)) { $members["->{$new_key}"] = $mem_val;
$getter = false;
$getters = array('get_' . $new_key, 'get' . $new_key); foreach ($getters as $fn) {
$getter = $fn;
if (!$getter) continue;
$members["->{$getter}()"] = $mem_val;
$this->sessionLoop($members, $depth + 1, $this_keys);
} else if (gettype($val) == 'object') { // e.g. __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects
echo '<p>' . $key . ' = <i>OBJECT OF UNKNOWN CLASS</i></p>';
} else {
echo '<p>' . $key . ' = ' . $val . '</p>';
echo '</div>';
unset ($this_keys, $key, $val); }
* Session Editor Action
public function sessionEditorAction()
// Find the array & key which will do the action
$final_array = &$_SESSION;
foreach ($_POST['key'] as $key) {
$final_array = &$final_array[$key];
// Do the action
switch ($_POST['do']) {
case 'delete':
unset ($final_array[$final_key]); break;
* @return void
public function listRoutes()
$routes = Router::getRoutes();
echo "<table>";
echo "<thead><tr>";
echo "<th>Rule</th>";
echo "<th>Target</th>";
echo "</thead></tr>\n";
echo "<tbody>";
foreach ($routes as $rule => $target) {
$rule = Enc::html($rule);
$target = Enc
::html(json_encode($target, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$rule}</td>";
echo "<td>{$target}</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</tbody>";
echo "</table>";
$this->template('Route Inspector');
* For a given field name, a type to use which is better than VARCHAR(200)
private static
$module_builder_type_guess = array( 'active' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED',
'amount' => 'DECIMAL(6,2)',
'data' => 'BLOB',
'description' => 'TEXT',
'email' => 'VARCHAR(150)',
'fax' => 'VARCHAR(20)',
'filename' => 'VARCHAR(255)',
'first_name' => 'VARCHAR(100)',
'image' => 'VARCHAR(255)',
'last_name' => 'VARCHAR(100)',
'mobile' => 'VARCHAR(20)',
'notes' => 'TEXT',
'phone' => 'VARCHAR(20)',
'photo' => 'VARCHAR(255)',
'postcode' => 'VARCHAR(10)',
'price' => 'DECIMAL(6,2)',
'state' => 'VARCHAR(50)',
'suburb' => 'VARCHAR(50)',
'text' => 'TEXT',
'visible' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED',
* Generates blank modules
public function moduleBuilder()
$temp = APPPATH . 'temp';
// Generate list of modules
$mod_dir = DOCROOT . '/modules/';
foreach ($modules as $key => $mod) {
if ($mod[0] == '.' or
!is_dir($mod_dir . $mod)) unset($modules[$key]); }
// Prep array for form data
$modules_list = [];
foreach($modules as $mod) {
$modules_list[$mod] = $mod;
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/module_builder');
$view->bad_fields = array('id', 'name', 'active', 'date_added', 'date_modified', 'record_order'); $view->modules = $modules_list;
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Module builder');
public function moduleBuilderAction()
if (empty($_POST['module_author'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Module author not specified');
if (empty($_POST['module_name'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Module name not specified');
} else {
$module_name = trim($_POST['module_name']); if (!preg_match('/^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+$/', $module_name)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid module name');
// Name => type
$inbuilt_fields = [
'id' => 'INT UNSIGNED',
'name' => 'VARCHAR(60)',
'active' => 'TINYINT UNSIGNED',
'date_added' => 'DATETIME',
'date_modified' => 'DATETIME',
if (in_array($_POST['module_type'], ['list', 'tree'])) { $inbuilt_fields['record_order'] = 'INT UNSIGNED';
if ($_POST['module_type'] == 'tree') $fields[] = 'parent_id';
foreach (explode("\n", $_POST['fields']) as $field) { if ($field == '') continue;
if (in_array($field, $fields)) continue; $fields[] = $field;
$fields_manual = array();
$t = " ";
foreach ($fields as $f) {
if (!in_array($f, ['name']) and
isset($inbuilt_fields[$f])) continue;
// Try to guess a name using a basic algorithm
if (isset($inbuilt_fields[$f])) { $type = $inbuilt_fields[$f];
$type = 'INT UNSIGNED';
} else {
$type = @self::$module_builder_type_guess[$f];
// If it all fails, fall back to something generic
if (! $type) {
$type = 'VARCHAR(100)';
$attrs = 'allownull="0" ';
if ($f == 'parent_id') {
$input_method = 'Fb::dropdown';
$items = "{\"query\": \"SELECT id, name FROM ~{$_POST['pname']} WHERE parent_id = 0 ORDER BY record_order\"}";
} else {
$input_method = 'Fb::text';
$items = "{}";
$json = "{$t}{$t}{\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}\"field\": {\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"name\": \"{$f}\",\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"label\": \"{$l}\",\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"display\": \"{$input_method}\",\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"items\": {$items},\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"required\": false,\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}\"validate\": [\n";
// Use length as basic validation where possible, allowing an extra char for a decimal point if relevant
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/\([0-9]+(\s*,)?/', $type, $matches)) { $field_len = (int
) substr($matches[0], 1); if (!empty($matches[1])) ++$field_len; $json .= "{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}{\"func\": \"Validity::length\", \"args\": [0, {$field_len}]}\n";
$json .= "{$t}{$t}{$t}{$t}]\n" .
"{$t}{$t}{$t}}\n" .
$fields_json[] = $json;
if (isset($inbuilt_fields[$f])) continue;
$fields_xml[] = "{$t}{$t}<column name=\"{$f}\" type=\"{$type}\" {$attrs}/>";
$fields_manual[] = "<p><b>{$l}</b>\n<br><!-- description goes here --></p>\n";
$possible_main_fields = [
$fields_main = [];
foreach ($possible_main_fields as $ind) {
$field = "[new ColModifierBinary(), '{$ind}']";
} else {
$field = "'{$ind}'";
$fields_main[] = "'{$label}' => {$field},";
$_POST['_fields_json'] = implode(",\n", $fields_json); $_POST['_fields_manual'] = rtrim(implode("\n", $fields_manual)); $_POST['_fields_main'] = implode("\n{$t}{$t}{$t}", $fields_main);
$temp = APPPATH . 'temp';
$template_dir = APPPATH . 'module_template/' . $_POST['module_type'];
if (!file_exists("{$temp}/{$module_name}") and
!@mkdir("{$temp}/{$module_name}")) { echo "<ul class=\"messages\"><li class=\"error\">Failed to create temp directory {$module_name}</li></ul>";
$this->template('Module builder');
$dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($template_dir);
$iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
echo '<pre>';
echo "Ready.\n";
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
if ($basename[0] == '.') continue;
if (strpos($file, '.svn') !== false) continue; if (strpos($file, '~') !== false) continue;
echo "Processing: '/{$_POST['module_type']}{$relative_name}'";
if ($file->isDir()) {
// directories
$new_name = self::mtTransform($relative_name);
@mkdir ("{$temp}/{$module_name}" . $new_name);
} else if ($file->isFile()) {
// files
$text = self::mtTransform($text);
$new_name = "{$temp}/{$module_name}" . self::mtTransform($relative_name);
echo " => '{$new_name}'.\n";
echo "Done building, now compressing.\n";
echo shell_exec("cd {$temp}; tar -cjvf mt_{$rand}.tar.bz2 {$module_name}");
echo "Done.\n";
echo '</pre>';
echo "<p><a href=\"SITE/dbtools/gettempfile/module-builder/mt_{$rand}.tar.bz2/sprout_module_{$_POST['sname']}_{$_POST['module_type']}.tar.bz2\">Download module</a></p>";
$this->template('Module builder');
* Generates db_struct.xml content for a module
public function moduleBuilderDb()
if (!empty($_GET['table']) and
in_array(@$_GET['type'], ['has_categories', 'list', 'tree'])) { $template_path = APPPATH . 'module_template/' . $_GET['type'] . '/db_struct.xml';
$content = str_replace('PNAME', $_GET['table'], $content); $content = str_replace('SNAME', Inflector
::singular($_GET['table']), $content); $_GET['xml'] = $content;
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/module_builder_db');
$view->data = $_GET;
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Module builder - DB');
* Generates modules from an existing db_struct.xml file
public function moduleBuilderExisting()
$temp = APPPATH . 'temp';
$existing_files = [];
$modules = glob(DOCROOT
. 'modules/*'); foreach ($modules as $mod) {
$existing_files[$mod] = $mod;
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/module_builder_existing_upload');
$view->temp_writeable = $temp_writeable;
$view->existing_files = $existing_files;
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Module builder existing');
* Generates modules from an existing db_struct.xml file
public function moduleBuilderExistingUploadAction()
$filename = 'mbe' . time() . '.xml';
if (isset($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { // Upload a new file
copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], APPPATH
. 'temp/' . $filename);
} else if (isset($_POST['existing'])) { // Process an existing file
if (!preg_match('!^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$!', $_POST['existing'])) { }
. 'modules/' . $_POST['existing'] . '/db_struct.xml', APPPATH
. 'temp/' . $filename); $_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_values']['module_name'] = $_POST['existing'];
$_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_values']['module_author'] = 'Karmabunny';
} else if (isset($_POST['content'])) { // Copy and paste XML content
if (strpos($_POST['content'], '<database>') === false) { $_POST['content'] = '<database>' . $_POST['content'] . '</database>';
} else {
Url::redirect('dbtools/moduleBuilderExistingForm/' . $filename);
* Generates modules from an existing db_struct.xml file
public function moduleBuilderExistingForm($input_xml)
if (!preg_match('/^mbe[0-9]+\.xml$/', $input_xml)) die('Invalid filename');
$sync = new DatabaseSync(false);
$sync->loadXml(APPPATH . 'temp/' . $input_xml);
$tables = $sync->tables;
if (!empty($_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_values'])) { $data = $_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_values'];
} else {
$data = [];
if (!isset($data['tables_cname'])) { $data = ['tables_cname' => [], 'tables_sname' => [], 'tables_snice' => [], 'tables_pnice' => []];
foreach ($tables as $name => $defn) {
$data['tables_cname'][$name] = Text::lc2camelCaps(Inflector::singular($name));
$data['tables_sname'][$name] = Inflector::singular($name);
$data['tables_snice'][$name] = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', Inflector
::singular($name))); }
if (empty($data['module_author'])) $data['module_author'] = 'Karmabunny'; }
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/module_builder_existing_form');
$view->tables = $tables;
$view->templates = [
'has_categories' => 'Categories',
'tree' => 'Tree',
'list' => 'List',
$view->data = $data;
$view->input_xml = $input_xml;
if (!empty($_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_errors'])) { $view->errors = $_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_errors'];
} else {
$view->errors = [];
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Module builder existing');
* Generates modules from an existing db_struct.xml file
public function moduleBuilderExistingAction($input_xml)
static $tab = " ";
$errs = [];
if (!preg_match('/^mbe[0-9]+\.xml$/', $input_xml)) $errs[] = 'Invalid filename';
if (empty($_POST['module_author'])) { $errs['module_author'] = 'Required';
if (empty($_POST['module_name'])) { $errs['module_name'] = 'Required';
} else {
$module_name = trim($_POST['module_name']); if (!preg_match('/^([A-Z][a-z0-9]+)+$/', $module_name)) { $errs['module_name'] = 'Invalid value';
if ($errs) {
$_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_values'] = Validator
::trim($_POST); $_SESSION['module_builder_existing']['field_errors'] = $errs;
Url::redirect('/dbtools/moduleBuilderExistingForm/' . $input_xml);
$temp = APPPATH . 'temp';
if (!file_exists("{$temp}/{$module_name}") and
!@mkdir("{$temp}/{$module_name}")) { echo "<ul class=\"messages\"><li class=\"error\">Failed to create temp directory {$module_name}</li></ul>";
$this->template('Module builder');
$sync = new DatabaseSync(false);
$sync->loadXml(APPPATH . 'temp/' . $input_xml);
$tables = $sync->tables;
foreach ($tables as $t => $defn) {
if (empty($_POST['tables'][$t])) continue;
$template_dir = APPPATH . 'module_template/' . $_POST['tables'][$t];
$dir_iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($template_dir);
$iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
$fields_manual = array();
echo '<h3>', Enc::html($t), '</h3>';
echo "<pre>\n";
foreach ($defn['columns'] as $f => $col) {
if (in_array($f, ['id', 'date_added', 'date_modified'])) continue;
$items = "{}";
// Determine HTML input field based on field name and type
// Active field (every table should have one of these)
if ($f == 'active') {
$input_method = 'Fb::multiradio';
$items = "{\"0\": \"No\", \"1\": \"Yes\"}";
// Numeric fields
$input_method = 'Fb::number';
// ENUM and SET fields
} else if (preg_match('/^ENUM\s*\(/', $col['type'])) { $input_method = 'Fb::dropdown';
$items = '{"func": "Pdb::extractEnumArr", "args": ["' . Enc::js($t) . '", "' . Enc::js($f) . '"]}';
} else if (preg_match('/^SET\s*\(/', $col['type'])) { $input_method = 'Fb::checkboxSet';
$items = '{"func": "Pdb::extractEnumArr", "args": ["' . Enc::js($t) . '", "' . Enc::js($f) . '"]}';
// Foreign keys (ending in _id)
$target_table = Inflector
::plural(substr($f, 0, -3)); $input_method = 'Fb::dropdown';
$items = '{"func": "Pdb::lookup", "args": ["' . Enc::js($target_table) . '"]}';
// Other columns: determine field type
} else {
$col_def_parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $col['type']); $type = strtoupper(Sprout
switch ($type) {
case 'DATETIME':
$input_method = 'Fb::datetimepicker';
case 'DATE':
$input_method = 'Fb::datepicker';
case 'TEXT':
$input_method = 'Fb::multiline';
case 'TINYINT':
$input_method = 'Fb::multiradio';
$items = '{"0": "No", "1": "Yes"}';
$input_method = 'Fb::text';
// Handle common acronyms
foreach ($l_parts as &$l_part) {
$json = "{$tab}{$tab}{\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"field\": {\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"name\": \"{$f}\",\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"label\": \"{$l}\",\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"display\": \"{$input_method}\",\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"items\": {$items},\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"required\": false,\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}\"validate\": [\n";
// Use length as basic validation where possible, allowing an extra char for a decimal point if relevant
$matches = [];
if (preg_match('/\([0-9]+(\s*,)?/', $col['type'], $matches)) { $field_len = (int
) substr($matches[0], 1); if (!empty($matches[1])) ++$field_len; $json .= "{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{\"func\": \"Validity::length\", \"args\": [0, {$field_len}]}\n";
$json .= "{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}]\n" .
"{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}}\n" .
$fields_json[] = $json;
$fields_manual[] = "<p><b>{$l}</b>\n<br><!-- description goes here --></p>\n";
$possible_main_fields = [
$fields_main = [];
foreach ($possible_main_fields as $ind) {
if (in_array($ind, ['active', 'visible'])) { $field = "[new ColModifierBinary(), '{$ind}']";
} else {
$field = "'{$ind}'";
$fields_main[] = "'{$label}' => {$field},";
$_POST['_fields_xml'] = '';
$_POST['_fields_json'] = implode(",\n", $fields_json); $_POST['_fields_manual'] = rtrim(implode("\n", $fields_manual)); $_POST['_fields_main'] = implode("\n{$tab}{$tab}{$tab}", $fields_main);
$_POST['cname'] = $_POST['tables_cname'][$t];
$_POST['sname'] = $_POST['tables_sname'][$t];
$_POST['pname'] = $t;
$_POST['snice'] = $_POST['tables_snice'][$t];
$_POST['pnice'] = $_POST['tables_pnice'][$t];
foreach ($iterator as $file) {
if ($basename[0] == '.') continue;
if (strpos($file, '.svn') !== false) continue; if (strpos($file, '~') !== false) continue;
if ($relative_name == '/db_struct.xml') continue;
if ($relative_name == '/admin_load.php') continue;
if ($relative_name == '/sprout_load.php') continue;
echo "Processing: '{$relative_name}'";
if ($file->isDir()) {
$new_name = self::mtTransform($relative_name);
@mkdir ("{$temp}/{$module_name}" . $new_name);
} else if ($file->isFile()) {
$text = self::mtTransform($text);
$new_name = "{$temp}/{$module_name}" . self::mtTransform($relative_name);
echo " => '{$new_name}'.\n";
echo '</pre>';
. 'temp/' . $input_xml, "{$temp}/{$module_name}/db_struct.xml");
echo "<p>Done building, now compressing...\n";
echo '<pre>';
echo shell_exec("cd {$temp}; tar -cjvf mt_{$rand}.tar.bz2 {$module_name}"); echo '</pre>';
echo "<p>Done.\n";
echo "<div class=\"action-bar\"><a href=\"SITE/dbtools/gettempfile/module-builder/mt_{$rand}.tar.bz2/sprout_module.tar.bz2\" class=\"button icon-after icon-save\">Download module</a></div>";
$this->template('Module builder');
* Used by the module_template_action method
public static function mtTransform($text)
$text = str_replace('AUTHOR', $_POST['module_author'], $text); $text = str_replace('MODULE', $_POST['module_name'], $text);
$text = str_replace('FIELDS_XML', $_POST['_fields_xml'], $text); $text = str_replace('FIELDS_JSON', $_POST['_fields_json'], $text); $text = str_replace('FIELDS_MANUAL', $_POST['_fields_manual'], $text); $text = str_replace('FIELDS_MAIN', $_POST['_fields_main'], $text);
return $text;
* Browse and search exceptions
public function exceptionLog()
if (!empty($_GET['class'])) { $conditions[] = ['class_name', '=', $_GET['class']];
if (!empty($_GET['message'])) { $conditions[] = ['message', 'CONTAINS', $_GET['message']];
if (empty($_GET['show_row_missing'])) { $conditions[] = ['class_name', '!=', 'karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\RowMissingException'];
if (empty($_GET['show_404'])) { $conditions[] = ['class_name', '!=', 'Kohana_404_Exception'];
if (count($conditions) == 0) $conditions[] = '1';
$page_size = 100;
$page = max((int
)@$_GET['page'], 1); $offset = ($page - 1) * $page_size;
$where = Pdb::buildClause($conditions, $binds);
$q = "SELECT id, date_generated, class_name, message
FROM ~exception_log
WHERE {$where}
LIMIT {$offset}, {$page_size}";
$res = Pdb::query($q, $binds, 'pdo');
$row_count = $res->rowCount();
if ($row_count == 0) {
$itemlist = '<p><em>No items found</em></p>';
} else {
$itemlist = new Itemlist();
$itemlist->items = $res;
$itemlist->addAction('edit', 'dbtools/exceptionDetail?id=%%');
$itemlist->main_columns = array( 'Date' => 'date_generated',
'Class' => 'class_name',
'Message' => 'message',
// View
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/exception_log');
$view->itemlist = $itemlist;
$view->page = $page;
$view->row_count = $row_count;
$view->page_size = $page_size;
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Exception log');
* Browse recent exceptions - details
public function exceptionDetail()
try {
$log = Pdb::get('exception_log', $_GET['id']);
$title = $log['id'];
} catch (RowMissingException $ex) {
$log = [];
$title = 'Not found';
// View
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/exception_details');
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Exception #' . $title);
* Generate a password hash to store in a config file
* The username and hash are used by {@see AdminAuth::processLocal}
public function generatePasswordHash()
$username = trim(@$_POST['username']);
echo '<form method="post">';
echo '<div class="field-group-wrap -clearfix">';
echo '<div class="field-group-item col col--one-half">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Username', true, 'Letters and numbers only');
echo Form::text('username', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white']);
echo '</div><!-- .col.col--one-half -->';
echo '<div class="field-group-item col col--one-half">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Password', true, 'Will be displayed on screen');
echo Form::text('pass', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white']);
echo '</div><!-- .col.col--one-half -->';
echo '</div><!-- .field-group-wrap -->';
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-keyboard_arrow_right">Generate hash</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
if (!empty($username) and
!empty($_POST['pass'])) { $data = Auth::hashPassword($_POST['pass'], Constants::PASSWORD_BCRYPT12);
$users = AdminAuth::injectLocalSuperConf($username, $data[0], $data[2]);
echo "<h4>Paste this into a config/super_ops.php file</h4>\n";
echo "<pre><?php\n\$config['operators'] = [\n";
foreach ($users as $username => $user) {
echo " '", Enc::html(Enc::js($username));
echo "' => ['uid' => {$user['uid']}, 'hash' => '", Enc::html(Enc::js($user['hash']));
echo "', 'salt' => '", Enc::html(Enc::js($user['salt'])), "'],\n";
echo "];</pre>";
$this->template('Generate password hash');
* Render view to see session and cookie data
* @return void Echos HTML
public function varDump()
echo '<h2>$_SESSION</h2>';
echo '<h2>$_COOKIE</h2>';
echo '<h2>$_SERVER</h2>';
$this->template('Var dump');
* Simple tool for testing skin templates
* @return void Outputs HTML directly
public function testSkinTemplates()
$skins = Subsites::getCodes();
$skins[] = 'unavailable';
echo '<div class="info highlight-warning">';
echo 'Note: Not all templates will work if they rely on variables being set which are not set by this tool.';
echo '</div>';
foreach ($skins as $s) {
echo '<h3>', Enc::html($s), '</h3>';
$templates = glob(DOCROOT
. 'skin/' . $s . '/*.php'); foreach ($templates as $f) {
if ($f[0] == '.' or $f[0] == '_') continue;
if ($f == 'exception' or $f == 'popup' or $f == 'google_analytics') continue;
$url = '/dbtools/testSkinTemplatesAction/' . Enc::url($s) . '/' . Enc::url($f);
echo '<p><a href="' . Enc::html($url) . '">' . Enc::html($f) . '</a></p>';
$this->template('Template test tool');
* Actual viewing UI for templates
* @param string $skin Skin name, e.g. 'default'
* @param string $tmpl Template filename, e.g. 'inner'
* @return void Outputs HTML directly
public function testSkinTemplatesAction($skin, $tmpl)
throw new Kohana_404_Exception();
try {
$q = "SELECT id FROM ~subsites WHERE code = ?";
$subsite_id = Pdb::query($q, [$skin], 'val');
} catch (RowMissingException $ex) {
$subsite_id = SubsiteSelector::$subsite_id;
// Fake the subsite environment so nav and breadcrumb will work
SubsiteSelector::$subsite_id = $subsite_id;
SubsiteSelector::$subsite_code = $skin;
SubsiteSelector::$content_id = $subsite_id;
// Force a reload of the tree (in case tree is already loaded for some reason)
$root = Navigation::loadPageTree($subsite_id, false, true);
// Find a node for sidenav, breadcrumb, etc.
// Preference goes to one with children, but fallback is one without
if ($root and
count($root->children) > 0) { $fake_node = null;
foreach ($root->children as $nd) {
if ($nd['show_in_nav'] and
count($nd->children)) { $fake_node = $nd;
if ($fake_node == null) {
foreach ($root->children as $nd) {
if ($nd['show_in_nav']) {
$fake_node = $nd;
if ($fake_node != null) {
$fake_node['name'] = 'Template test';
Navigation::setPageNodeMatcher(new TreenodeValueMatcher('id', $fake_node['id']));
$content = new View('sprout/dbtools/skin_test_content');
$email = new View('sprout/email/testing_long');
// Page templates
$view = new View('skin/' . $tmpl);
$view->page_title = 'Template test';
$view->browser_title = 'Template test';
$view->main_content = $content->render();
// Email template
$view->html_title = $view->page_title;
$view->content = $email->render();
echo $view->render();
* Generate multiedit code
public function multimake()
echo '<style type="text/css">';
echo '.mini {font-size: 9px; color: #555;}';
echo '</style>';
$modules_dir = DOCROOT . 'modules';
$xml_files = glob("$modules_dir/*/db_struct.xml"); foreach ($xml_files as $file) {
$opts[$module] = $module;
echo '<form method="POST">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Select module', true);
echo Form::dropdown('module', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white'], $opts);
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-keyboard_arrow_right">Next</button></div>';
$this->template('Generate multiedit code');
if (!empty($_POST['module'])) { $doc = self::xmlLoad($_POST['module']);
$tables = self::xmlGetTables($doc);
$module_tables = array(); $invalid_tables = array(); foreach ($tables as $table) {
$cols = self::xmlGetColumns($doc, $table);
if (!isset($cols['id'])) continue;
$full_name = $_POST['module'] . '/' . $table;
// Look for a {something}_id column.
// A table without such a column is probably invalid, so put it
// at the bottom of the list, with an asterisk to warn the user
$valid = false;
foreach ($cols as $name => $defn) {
if ($name == 'id') continue;
if ($name == 'subsite_id') continue;
$valid = true;
if ($valid) {
$module_tables[$full_name] = $table;
} else {
$invalid_tables[$full_name] = "* $table";
echo "<h3>Module: <b>{$_POST['module']}</b></h3>";
echo '<form method="POST">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Select table which will store the data', true, 'i.e. the sub-table');
echo Form::dropdown('table', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white'], $opts);
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-keyboard_arrow_right">Next</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
} else {
echo '<p>No useable tables in this module</p>';
$this->template('Generate multiedit code');
if (!empty($_POST['table'])) {
$doc = self::xmlLoad($module);
$columns = self::xmlGetColumns($doc, $table);
$selected = null;
foreach ($columns as $name => $defn) {
if ($name == 'id') continue;
$value = "{$module}/{$table}/{$name}";
$opts[$value] = $name;
if ($selected) continue;
if ($name == 'subsite_id') continue;
if (substr($name, -3) == '_id') $selected = $value; }
::setData(array('group' => @$matches[1], 'linker' => $selected));
echo "<h3>Module: <b>{$module}</b><br>Table: <b>{$table}</b></h3>";
echo '<form method="POST">';
echo '<div class="field-group-wrap -clearfix"><div class="field-group-item col col--one-half">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Group name', true, 'e.g. people');
echo Form::text('group', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white']);
echo '</div>';
echo '<div class="field-group-item col col--one-half">';
Form::nextFieldDetails('Column which links to base table', true, 'e.g. user_id');
echo Form::dropdown('linker', ['-wrapper-class' => 'white'], $opts);
echo '</div></div>';
echo '<div class="action-bar"><button type="submit" class="button icon-after icon-keyboard_arrow_right">Generate code</button></div>';
echo '</form>';
$this->template('Generate multiedit code');
if (empty($_POST['linker']) or
empty($_POST['group'])) { echo '<p>Huh?</p>';
$this->template('Generate multiedit code');
list($module, $table, $linker) = explode('/', $_POST['linker']); $doc = self::xmlLoad($module);
$columns = self::xmlGetColumns($doc, $table);
$ordered = isset($columns['record_order']);
echo "<h3>Module: <b>{$module}</b><br>Table: <b>{$table}</b><br>Group name: <b>{$_POST['group']}</b><br>Linking column: <b>{$linker}</b></h3>";
$file = DOCROOT . 'sprout/views/dbtools/multimake_template.php';
$template = preg_replace('/(multiedit[-_])people/', '$1' . $_POST['group'], $template); $template = str_replace('user_people', $table, $template); $template = str_replace('people', $_POST['group'], $template); $single = ucfirst(Inflector
::singular($_POST['group'])); $template = str_replace('user_id', $linker, $template);
if ($ordered) {
$reorder = '<?php MultiEdit::reorder(); ?>';
$init = '$order = 0;';
} else {
$reorder = '';
$init = '';
$template = str_replace('record_order', 'id', $template); }
$template = preg_replace('#//\s*REORDER\s*//#', $reorder, $template); $template = preg_replace('#//\s*INIT_ORDER\s*//#', $init, $template);
// Generate form fields for view
$data = '';
foreach ($columns as $name => $type) {
if ($name == 'id') continue;
if ($name == $linker) continue;
if ($name == 'record_order') continue;
$data .= "\t<p><b>{$label}:</b>\n";
$data .= "\t" . '<br><input type="text" name="m_' .
Enc::html($name) . "\"></p>\n\n";
// Generate update data
$data = '';
foreach ($columns as $name => $type) {
if ($name == 'id') continue;
$data .= "\t\$update_fields['" . $name . "'] = ";
if ($name == 'record_order') {
$data .= "\$order++;\n";
} else if ($name == $linker) {
$data .= "\$item_id;\n";
} else {
$data .= "\$data['" . $name . "'];";
if ($name == 'date_added' or $name == 'date_modified') {
$data .= ' // WARNING!!!';
$data .= "\n";
$this->template('Generate multiedit code');
* @return array
private static function xmlGetTables(DOMDocument $doc)
$table_els = $doc->getElementsByTagName('table');
foreach ($table_els as $el) {
$tables[] = $el->getAttribute('name');
return $tables;
* @return array
private static function xmlGetColumns(DOMDocument $doc, $table_name)
$table_els = $doc->getElementsByTagName('table');
$table = null;
foreach ($table_els as $el) {
if ($el->getAttribute('name') == $table_name) {
$table = $el;
if (!$table) return array();
$column_els = $table->getElementsByTagName('column');
foreach ($column_els as $el) {
$name = $el->getAttribute('name');
$type = $el->getAttribute('type');
$columns[$name] = $type;
return $columns;
private static function xmlLoad($module)
$file = DOCROOT . "modules/{$module}/db_struct.xml";
$doc = new DOMDocument();
return $doc;
* Renders form to send emails
public function email()
$op = AdminAuth::getDetails();
$data = [];
$data['emails'] = $op['email'];
$data['from'] = Kohana::config('sprout.site_email');
$data['msg'] = 'long';
$out = '<form action="SITE/dbtools/emailSend" method="post">';
$out .= Csrf::token();
Form::nextFieldDetails('Who to send to', false, 'one address per line');
$out .= Form::multiline('emails', []);
Form::nextFieldDetails('Different FROM address', false);
$out .= Form::email('from');
Form::nextFieldDetails('Message to send', false);
$out .= Form::multiradio('msg', [], ['long' => 'Long test email - tables, headings, unicode, etc.', 'short' => 'Short simple test email']);
Form::nextFieldDetails('Information', false);
$out .= Form::checkboxBoolList('', [], ['debug' => 'Show debugging information']);
$out .= '<button class="button" type="submit">Send emails</button>';
$out .= '</form>';
echo $out;
* Process form submission
public function emailSend()
if (empty($_POST['emails'])) { Url::redirect('dbtools/email');
if ($_POST['msg'] == 'long') {
$subject = "Test email containing a little bit of üńìĉȯḍē.";
$view = new View('sprout/email/testing_long');
$body = $view->render();
} else if ($_POST['msg'] == 'short') {
$subject = 'Test';
$body = '<p>This is a test email.</p>';
if (!empty($_POST['from'])) { Validity::email($_POST['from']);
$addresses = explode("\n", $_POST['emails']); $succ = $fail = 0;
foreach ($addresses as $e) {
if (! $e) continue;
echo '<h2>', Enc::html($e), '</h2>';
try {
} catch (ValidationException $ex) {
echo '<p>', Enc::html($ex->getMessage()), '</p>';
$mail = new Email();
$mail->Subject = $subject;
if (!empty($_POST['debug'])) { $mail->SMTPDebug = 3;
if (!empty($_POST['from'])) { $mail->From = $_POST['from'];
$result = $mail->Send();
if ($log) {
echo '<pre>', Enc::html($log), '</pre>';
if ($result) {
echo '<p>Sent email to <b>', Enc::html($e), '</b>.</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Sending to <b>', Enc::html($e), '</b> failed!</p>';
echo '<h2>Summary</h2>';
echo '<p><b>Success:</b> ', $succ, '<br><b>Failed:</b> ', $fail, '</p>';
echo '<p><a href="SITE/dbtools/email" class="button">Send more!</a></p>';
* Renders form to imoprt Sprout2 Export XML
* @return void Echos HTML directly
public function importXML()
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/import_xml');
$view->subsites = Pdb::lookup('subsites');
echo $view->render();
$this->template('Import Sprout 2 pages');
* Process Sprout2 Export XML into this CMS
* @return void Redirects
public function importXmlAction()
$_POST['subsite_id'] = (int) @$_POST['subsite_id'];
$_POST['page_id'] = (int) @$_POST['page_id'];
// Validate sub-site
if (empty($_POST['subsite_id'])) { Notification::error('Please select a sub-site');
// Validate file type
if ($ext != 'xml') {
Notification::error('Invalid file type');
// Determine temp filename
$tempname = APPPATH . "temp/dbtools_import_{$timestamp}.{$ext}";
// Attempt upload
$res = @copy($_FILES['filename']['tmp_name'], $tempname); if (! $res) {
Notification::error('Unable to copy file to temporary directory');
// Run the import tool
$pages = ImportCMS::import($tempname);
// Render table of pages that need widgets replaced
$list = new Itemlist();
$list->main_columns = [
'Old ID' => 'old_id',
'New ID' => 'new_id',
'Widgets' => 'widgets',
$list->items = $pages;
echo $list->render();
$this->template('Successfully imported Sprout 2 pages');
* Render page drop-down for given sub-site
* @param int $subsite_id
* @return void Echos HTML directly
public function ajaxPageIds($subsite_id)
$subsite_id = (int) $subsite_id;
Form::nextFieldDetails('Parent page', false, 'Import as child pages of selected parent page');
echo Form::pageDropdown('page_id', [], ['subsite' => $subsite_id]);
* Render API test form within DB tools
* @param string $class
* @param string $method
* @return void Echos HTML directly
public function api($class, $method)
$ctlr = Sprout::instance($class);
if (!method_exists($ctlr, $method)) throw new InvalidArgumentException
(sprintf('Method "%s" does not exist', $method));
$reflect = new ReflectionMethod($ctlr, $method);
if (!$reflect->isPublic()) throw new InvalidArgumentException
(sprintf('Method "%s" does not exist', $method));
// Fetch page title
$title = 'API test';
foreach (self::$tools['APIs'] as $api) {
preg_match('/dbtools\/api\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\%]+)\/([a-zA-Z0-9_\%]+)/', $api['url'], $matches);
$title = $api['name'];
$this->template($title, $html);
* Render form to set QR Code string
* @return void Echos HTML directly
public function qrCodeForm()
$view = new View('sprout/dbtools/qr_form');
if (!empty($_GET['payload'])) { $view->img = sprintf('%sdbtools/qrCodeImage?payload=%s', Sprout
::absRoot(), Enc
::url($_GET['payload'])); }
echo $view->render();
* Renders QR code image
* @return void Echos PNG directly
public function qrCodeImage()
header('Content-Type: image/png'); }