* Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
* This file is a part of SproutCMS.
* SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
namespace Sprout\Controllers;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\RowMissingException;
use Sprout\Helpers\AdminAuth;
use Sprout\Helpers\Cron;
use Sprout\Helpers\Email;
use Sprout\Helpers\Enc;
use Sprout\Helpers\Notification;
use Sprout\Helpers\Pdb;
use Sprout\Helpers\Sprout;
use Sprout\Helpers\SubsiteSelector;
use Sprout\Helpers\Subsites;
use Sprout\Helpers\Url;
use Sprout\Helpers\View;
* Handles subscriptions to various types of content in a centralised manner
* Subscribers are emailed regarding new/updated content as various subscription handlers see fit
class ContentSubscribeController extends Controller
public function __construct()
* Unsubscribe a user from a subscription (form)
public function unsub($id, $code)
$id = (int) $id;
// Check the id and code match
$q = "SELECT email
FROM ~content_subscriptions
WHERE id = ? AND code = ?
try {
$email = Pdb::q($q, [$id, $code], 'val');
} catch (RowMissingException $ex) {
Notification::error('Invalid id or unsubscription code');
// Fetch all of the subscriptions for this email address.
// Codes are derived from the email address so they'll all be the same.
$q = "SELECT id, handler_class, handler_settings
FROM ~content_subscriptions
WHERE code = ? AND email = ?
$res = Pdb::q($q, [$code, $email], 'arr');
foreach ($res as $row) {
// Create instance
$inst = Sprout::instance($row['handler_class'], 'Sprout\\Helpers\\Subscribe');
// Load settings
$settings = json_decode($row['handler_settings'], true); if (!is_array($settings)) $settings = [];
// Get the name
$result = $inst->getName($settings);
if (! $result) continue;
$subs[$row['id']] = $result;
$view = new View('sprout/content_unsubscribe_form');
$view->subscriptions = $subs;
$view->id = $id;
$view->code = $code;
$page_view = new View('skin/inner');
$page_view->page_title = 'Unsubscribe';
$page_view->main_content = $view;
$page_view->controller_name = $this->getCssClassName();
echo $page_view->render();
* Unsubscribe a user from a subscription (action)
public function unsubAction($id, $code)
$id = (int) $id;
// Check the id and code match
$q = "SELECT email
FROM ~content_subscriptions
WHERE id = ? AND code = ?
try {
$email = Pdb::q($q, [$id, $code], 'row');
} catch (RowMissingException $ex) {
Notification::error('Invalid id or unsubscription code');
// Did they actually choose anything?
if (empty($_POST['unsubscribe'])) { Notification::error('You didn\'t select anything');
// Fetch the IDs of all of the subscriptions for this email address.
// Codes are derived from the email address so they'll all be the same.
$q = "SELECT id
FROM ~content_subscriptions
WHERE code = ? AND email = ?";
$ids = Pdb::q($q, [$code, $email], 'col');
// Now we can iterate over the unsubscriptions, and remove them
foreach ($_POST['unsubscribe'] as $id) {
Pdb::delete('content_subscriptions', ['id' => $id]);
Notification::confirm('You have been unsubscribed');
* Send the content subscription emails to the users who have registered
public function cronSendSubscriptions()
Cron::start("Content subscribe");
Cron::message('Fetching subscriptions');
$q = 'SELECT id, content_id, name, code, mobile FROM ~subsites';
$subsites = Pdb::query($q, [], 'arr');
foreach ($subsites as $subsite) {
Cron::message('Subscriptions for subsite: ' . $subsite['name']);
// Fake the subsite selection so that the subscription handlers and email sending all behaves correctly
SubsiteSelector::$subsite_id = $subsite['id'];
SubsiteSelector::$content_id = $subsite['content_id'] ?: $subsite['id'];
SubsiteSelector::$subsite_code = $subsite['code'];
SubsiteSelector::$mobile = $subsite['mobile'];
// Get the records
$q = "SELECT id, code, handler_class, handler_settings, name, email, subsite_id
FROM ~content_subscriptions
WHERE subsite_id = ?
$res = Pdb::q($q, [$subsite['id']], 'pdo');
// TODO: should this be per subscription or should be store when it last ran?
Cron::message('Loading lists');
// Get a unique list of class/settings
foreach ($res as $row) {
if (!isset($users[$row['email']])) { $users[$row['email']] = array( 'id' => $row['id'],
'code' => $row['code'],
'name' => $row['name'],
$users[$row['email']]['subs'][] = md5($row['handler_class'] . '.' . $row['handler_settings']);
$key = md5($row['handler_class'] . '.' . $row['handler_settings']); if (isset($lists[$key])) continue;
$class = $row['handler_class'];
// Create class instance
try {
$inst = Sprout::instance($class, 'Sprout\\Helpers\\Subscribe');
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $ex) {
Cron::message(" Loading '{$class}' failed: {$ex->getMessage()}");
// Load settings
$settings = json_decode($row['handler_settings'], true); if (!is_array($settings)) $settings = [];
// Run method to fetch items
try {
$result = $inst->getList($settings, $since);
if (! is_array($result)) throw new Exception
("Returned result is not an array");
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Cron::message(" Loading '{$class}' failed: {$ex->getMessage()}");
::message(" Loaded '{$class}'; Key '{$key}'; Num rows: " . count($result));
// Set the URL as the key for each item
// This prevents duplicates when the items are sent out
foreach ($result as $row) {
$uniq_result[$row['url']] = $row;
// Save result
$lists[$key] = $uniq_result;
Cron::message('Building user lists');
::message('Num users: ' . count($users)); Cron::message('');
// For each user, build, sort and send out the lists
$none = 0;
$success = 0;
$failure = 0;
foreach ($users as $email => $deets) {
foreach ($deets['subs'] as $listkey) {
if ($lists[$listkey]) {
if (count($items) == 0) { $none++;
usort($items, 'Sprout\\Helpers\\ContentSubscribe::tsSort');
foreach ($items as &$row) {
if ($row['url'][0] == '/') {
$row['url'] = Subsites
::getAbsRoot($subsite['id']) . ltrim($row['url'], '/'); }
$subsite_title = Subsites::getConfig('site_title', $subsite['id']);
$view = new View('sprout/email/content_subscribe');
$view->unsubscribe_url = Subsites::getAbsRoot($subsite['id']) . "content_subscribe/unsub/{$deets['id']}/{$deets['code']}";
$view->name = $deets['name'];
$view->email = $email;
$view->items = $items;
$view->subsite_title = $subsite_title;
$mail = new Email();
$mail->Subject = 'Updates on the ' . $subsite_title . ' website';
$result = $mail->Send();
Cron::message($email . ($result ? '; success' : '; failure'));
if ($result) { $success++; } else { $failure++; }
if (!$success and $failure) {
Cron::failure('All emails we tried to send failed; is there a server config error?');
if ($success or $failure) {
Cron::message('No items: ' . $none);
Cron::message('Success: ' . $success);
Cron::message('Failed: ' . $failure);
* Tool to clean up subscriptions which refer to classes that don't exist.
public function cleanupInvalidClasses()
// Get the records
$q = "SELECT handler_class
FROM ~content_subscriptions
GROUP BY handler_class
ORDER BY handler_class";
$res = Pdb::q($q, [], 'arr');
echo '<pre>';
if (! $_GET['delete']) {
echo 'Not deleting, use GET param delete=1 to delete categories.', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo 'Deleting invalid subscriptions, if found.', PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
foreach ($res as $row) {
$delete = false;
echo '<span style="color: #090;">[Found ] ', Enc::html($row['handler_class']), '</span>', PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo '<span style="color: #900;">[MISSING] ', Enc::html($row['handler_class']), '</span>', PHP_EOL;
$delete = true;
if ($_GET['delete'] and $delete) {
Pdb::delete('content_subscriptions', ['handler_class' => $row['handler_class']]);
echo '<span style="color: #090;">[Deleted] ', Enc::html($row['handler_class']), '</span>', PHP_EOL;
echo '</pre>';