* Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
* This file is a part of SproutCMS.
* SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
namespace SproutModules\Karmabunny\Welcome\Controllers;
use Exception;
use PDOException;
use Kohana;
use Sprout\Controllers\Controller;
use karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\QueryException;
use Sprout\Helpers\AdminAuth;
use Sprout\Helpers\Auth;
use Sprout\Helpers\Constants;
use Sprout\Helpers\DatabaseSync;
use Sprout\Helpers\Enc;
use Sprout\Helpers\FileConstants;
use Sprout\Helpers\Form;
use Sprout\Helpers\Json;
use Sprout\Helpers\Notification;
use Sprout\Helpers\Pdb;
use Sprout\Helpers\Security;
use Sprout\Helpers\Session;
use Sprout\Helpers\Sprout;
use Sprout\Helpers\Url;
use Sprout\Helpers\Validator;
use Sprout\Helpers\View;
* Forms used for setting up SproutCMS for the first time
class WelcomeController extends Controller
public function __construct()
* Redirect home page traffic to the welcome checklist
public function redirect()
* Show a phpinfo() view along with some extra information
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/phpinfo');
'Server software' => @$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'],
'Server OS' => PHP_OS,
'PHP date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), );
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'PHP information';
$skin->main_title = 'PHP information';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Display the welcome checklist
public function checklist()
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/checklist');
$view->results = [
'dbconf' => $this->testDbconf(),
'superop' => $this->testSuperOp(),
'dbsync' => $this->testDbsync(),
'sample' => $this->testSampleContent(),
'welcome' => $this->testWelcome(),
$view->overall_success = true;
foreach($view->results as $row) {
if ($row[0] == false) {
$view->overall_success = false;
// Find the line number which has the welcome module registration
$pos = strpos($conf, "'Welcome'"); $view->welcome_line_num = $num + 1;
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Welcome to SproutCMS';
$skin->main_title = 'Welcome to SproutCMS';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Test the database config is correct
* @return array [0] boolean overall result [1] string message
private function testDbconf()
return [false];
try {
return [true];
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
* Test whether one or more super operators have been created
* @return array [0] boolean overall result [1] string message
private function testSuperOp()
try {
$ops = Kohana::config('super_ops.operators');
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$ops = [];
return [0 => true, 1 => 'Local file'];
return [0 => false];
* Test that tables are available
* @return array [0] boolean overall result [1] string message
private function testDbsync()
try {
$q = "SELECT * FROM ~pages LIMIT 1";
Pdb::query($q, [], 'null');
return [true];
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
return [false, 'Unable to connect to database'];
} catch (QueryException $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
* Test that sample content has been added
* @return array [0] boolean overall result [1] string message
private function testSampleContent()
try {
$q = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~pages LIMIT 1";
$num_pages = Pdb::query($q, [], 'val');
return [$num_pages > 0];
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
return [false, 'Unable to connect to database'];
} catch (QueryException $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
} catch (Exception $ex) {
return [false, $ex->getMessage()];
* Test that the welcome module isn't installed
* @return array [0] boolean overall result [1] string message
private function testWelcome()
return [
* Show a UI for generating a database config
public function dbConfForm()
$data = Form::loadFromSession('db_conf');
'host' => 'localhost',
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/db_conf_form');
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Ajax method to test the db connection for a given set of params
public function dbConfTest()
if (empty($_POST['host'])) Json
::out(['result' => 'You must specify a host']); if (empty($_POST['user'])) Json
::out(['result' => 'You must specify a user']); if (empty($_POST['pass'])) Json
::out(['result' => 'You must specify a pass']); if (empty($_POST['database'])) Json
::out(['result' => 'You must specify a database']);
try {
new \PDO(
Json::out(['result' => 'Connection successful']);
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
Json::out(['result' => $ex->getMessage()]);
* Display the generated database config
public function dbConfResult()
$_SESSION['db_conf']['field_values'] = Validator
$valid = new Validator($_POST);
$valid->required(['production', 'host', 'user', 'pass', 'database']);
if ($valid->hasErrors()) {
$_SESSION['db_conf']['field_errors'] = $valid->getFieldErrors();
} else {
unset($_SESSION['db_conf']); }
$_SESSION['database_config'] = $_POST;
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/db_conf_result');
$view->db_config_url = 'welcome/db_conf_database';
if ($_POST['production'] == 'live') {
$view->pass_config_url = 'welcome/db_conf_password';
$view->pass_config = self::genPassConfig($_POST);
$parts = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, rtrim(DOCROOT
, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); $view->pass_filename = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $parts) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'database.config.php'; } else {
$view->host_config_url = 'welcome/db_conf_hosts';
$view->host_config = self::genDevHostsConfig();
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Generate and download a database config file
public static function dbConfDatabase()
$config = self::genDbConfig($_SESSION['database_config']);
header('Content-type: application/php'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="database.php"'); echo $config;
* Generate and download a dev hosts config file
public static function dbConfHosts()
$config = self::genDevHostsConfig();
header('Content-type: application/php'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="dev_hosts.php"'); echo $config;
* Generate a database config from given parameters
* @param array $data Config params; 'production', 'host', 'user', 'pass', 'database'
* @return string
private static
function genDbConfig
(array $data) {
if ($data['production'] == 'live') {
$db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-HOST}}', $data['host'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-USER}}', $data['user'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-DATABASE}}', $data['database'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-USER}}', '-- username --', $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-PASS}}', '-- password --', $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-DATABASE}}', '-- database --', $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-HOST}}', 'localhost', $db_config); } else {
$db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-HOST}}', $data['host'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-USER}}', $data['user'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-PASS}}', $data['pass'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{TEST-DATABASE}}', $data['database'], $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-USER}}', '-- username --', $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-DATABASE}}', '-- database --', $db_config); $db_config = str_replace('{{PROD-HOST}}', 'localhost', $db_config); }
$db_config = str_replace('{{SERVER-KEY}}', Security
::randStr(16), $db_config);
return $db_config;
* Generate a dev hosts config, which contains the existing config and the current hostname
* @return string
private static function genDevHostsConfig()
require DOCROOT . 'config/dev_hosts.php';
$dev_hosts = [];
$lines = [
'$dev_hosts = ['
foreach ($dev_hosts as $host) {
$lines[] = '];';
* Generate and download a password config file
public static function dbConfPassword()
$config = self::genPassConfig($_SESSION['database_config']);
header('Content-type: application/php'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="database.config.php"'); echo $config;
* Generate a database password file from given parameters
* @param array $data Config params; 'pass'
* @return string
private static
function genPassConfig
(array $data) {
$pass_config = str_replace('{{PROD-PASS}}', $data['pass'], $pass_config); return $pass_config;
* Run a database sync
public function sync()
$sync = new DatabaseSync(true);
if ($sync->hasLoadErrors()) {
$out = $sync->getLoadErrorsHtml();
die('Sync failed sanity check: ' . $out); }
try {
$log = $sync->updateDatabase();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Notification::error('Please configure Database - Step 1 of checklist.');
$log = '<p>Everything is up to date</p>';
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/sync');
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_title = 'Database sync';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Show a UI to create a super-operator
public function superOperatorForm()
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/super_op_form');
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Super operator';
$skin->main_title = 'Super operator';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Generate and download super operator config file
* @return void Echos directly
public function superOperatorConf()
$users = AdminAuth::injectLocalSuperConf($_SESSION['supeop_config']['user'], $_SESSION['supeop_config']['hash'], $_SESSION['supeop_config']['salt']);
$config = '';
$config .= "<?php\n\$config['operators'] = [\n";
foreach ($users as $username => $user) {
$config .= " '" . Enc::html(Enc::js($username));
$config .= "' => ['uid' => {$user['uid']}, " . "'hash' => '" . Enc::html(Enc::js($user['hash']));
$config .= "', 'salt' => '" . Enc::html(Enc::js($user['salt'])) . "'],\n";
$config .= "];\n";
header('Content-type: application/php'); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="super_ops.php"'); echo $config;
* Ensure password has enough complexity
private static function passwordComplexity($str)
// Longer than this won't be brute forced any time soon.
return true;
$errs = [];
$errs[] = 'Must contain a number character';
$errs[] = 'Must contain an uppercase character';
$errs[] = 'Must contain a lowercase character';
if (count($errs) == 0) return true; return $errs;
* Create a super operator
* @return void Redirects
public function superOperatorAction()
$_SESSION['super_op']['field_values'] = Validator
$valid = new Validator($_POST);
$valid->required(['username', 'password1', 'password2']);
$valid->check('username', 'Validity::length', 0, 50);
try {
$valid->check('username', 'Validity::uniqueValue', 'operators', 'username', 0, 'An operator already exists with that username');
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Notification::error('Please configure Database - Step 1 of checklist. It\'s required for validation!');
$valid->check('username', 'Validity::regex', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/');
$valid->check('password1', 'Validity::length', 8, 60);
$valid->check('password2', 'Validity::length', 8, 60);
$valid->multipleCheck(['password1', 'password2'], 'Validity::allMatch');
if (!empty($_POST['password1']) and
$_POST['password1'] === $_POST['password2']) { $complexity = self::passwordComplexity($_POST['password1']);
if ($complexity !== true) {
$valid->addFieldError('password1', 'Not complex enough');
$valid->addFieldError('password2', 'Not complex enough');
Notification::error('Password does not meet complexity requirements:');
foreach ($complexity as $c) {
Notification::error(" \xC2\xA0 \xC2\xA0 " . $c);
if ($valid->hasErrors()) {
$_SESSION['super_op']['field_errors'] = $valid->getFieldErrors();
} else {
unset($_SESSION['super_op']['field_errors']); }
$hashed = Auth::hashPassword($_POST['password1'], Constants::PASSWORD_BCRYPT12);
$params = [
'user' => $_POST['username'],
'hash' => $hashed[0],
'salt' => $hashed[2],
* Show the generated super operator details
public function superOperatorResult()
$users = AdminAuth::injectLocalSuperConf($_GET['user'], $_GET['hash'], $_GET['salt']);
$_SESSION['supeop_config'] = $_GET;
$view = new View('modules/Welcome/super_op_result');
$view->superop_config_url = 'welcome/super_op_conf';
$view->users = $users;
$skin = new View('sprout/admin/login_layout');
$skin->browser_title = 'Super operator';
$skin->main_title = 'Super operator';
$skin->main_content = $view->render();
echo $skin->render();
* Add sample content
public function addSampleAction()
// During development, uncomment this line:
try {
$num_pages = Pdb::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~pages LIMIT 1", [], 'val');
$num_files = Pdb::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ~files LIMIT 1", [], 'val');
} catch (Exception $ex) {
Notification::error('Please configure Database - Step 1 of checklist.');
if ($num_pages or $num_files) {
Notification::error('This site already has content');
Notification::confirm('Sample content has been added');
* Wipe the tables used by the sample code system (dev only code)
private function wipeTables()
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~page_widgets", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~page_revisions", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~pages", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~homepage_banners", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~homepage_promos", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~files", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~files_cat_join", [], 'null');
Pdb::query("DELETE FROM ~files_cat_list", [], 'null');
* Add sample files from sample_content/files.xml
private function addSampleFiles()
$data = [];
$data['name'] = 'Sample files';
$data['date_added'] = Pdb::now();
$data['date_modified'] = Pdb::now();
$cat_id = Pdb::insert('files_cat_list', $data);
$file_id = 0;
foreach ($xml->file as $elem) { $name = (string)$elem['name'];
$filename = (string)$elem['filename'];
$file_id += 1;
$orig = DOCROOT . 'modules/Welcome/sample_content/' . $filename;
$data = [];
$data['id'] = $file_id;
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['filename'] = "{$file_id}_{$filename}";
$data['type'] = FileConstants::TYPE_IMAGE;
$data['date_added'] = Pdb::now();
$data['date_modified'] = Pdb::now();
$data['date_file_modified'] = Pdb::now();
Pdb::insert('files', $data);
$data = [];
$data['file_id'] = $file_id;
$data['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
Pdb::insert('files_cat_join', $data);
File::putExisting("{$file_id}_{$filename}", $orig);
File::postUploadProcessing("{$file_id}_{$filename}", $file_id, FileConstants
* Add sample files from sample_content/pages.xml
private function addSamplePages()
$page_id = 0;
$parent_lookup = [];
foreach ($xml->page as $elem) {
$name = (string)$elem['name'];
$template = (string)$elem['template'];
$content = (string)$elem;
$page_id += 1;
if (isset($elem['parent'])) { $parent_id = $parent_lookup[(string)$elem['parent']];
} else {
$parent_id = 0;
$data = [];
$data['id'] = $page_id;
$data['parent_id'] = $parent_id;
$data['subsite_id'] = 1;
$data['name'] = $name;
$data['slug'] = Enc::urlname($name);
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['show_in_nav'] = 1;
$data['alt_template'] = ($template ?: 'skin/inner');
$data['date_added'] = Pdb::now();
$data['date_modified'] = Pdb::now();
Pdb::insert('pages', $data);
$parent_lookup[$name] = $page_id;
$data = [];
$data['page_id'] = $page_id;
$data['type'] = 'standard';
$data['status'] = 'live';
$data['modified_editor'] = 'Sample pages tool';
$data['changes_made'] = 'Added sample page';
$data['date_added'] = Pdb::now();
$data['date_modified'] = Pdb::now();
$revision_id = Pdb::insert('page_revisions', $data);
$data = [];
$data['page_revision_id'] = $revision_id;
$data['area_id'] = 1;
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['type'] = 'RichText';
$data['record_order'] = 1;
Pdb::insert('page_widgets', $data);
* Updates to home page - hardcoded rather than an xml file
private function addSampleHomePage()
$data = [];
$data['text'] = '<p>There\'s a voice that keeps on calling me. Down the road, that\'s where I\'ll always be.</p>'
. '<p>This being said, the ownership issues inherent in dominant thematic implementations cannot be understated</p>';
Pdb::update('homepages', $data, ['id' => 1]);
$data = [];
$data['homepage_id'] = 1;
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['file_id'] = 1;
$data['heading'] = 'SproutCMS';
$data['description'] = 'It\'s a brand new website';
$data['link'] = json_encode(['class' => '\Sprout\Helpers\LinkSpecPage', 'data' => '3']); $data['link_label'] = 'Our services';
Pdb::insert('homepage_banners', $data);
$data = [];
$data['homepage_id'] = 1;
$data['record_order'] = 1;
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['file_id'] = 2;
$data['heading'] = 'Promo one';
$data['description'] = 'Cat ipsum dolor sit amet';
$data['link'] = json_encode(['class' => '\Sprout\Helpers\LinkSpecPage', 'data' => '4']); Pdb::insert('homepage_promos', $data);
$data = [];
$data['homepage_id'] = 1;
$data['record_order'] = 2;
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['file_id'] = 3;
$data['heading'] = 'Promo two';
$data['description'] = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';
$data['link'] = json_encode(['class' => '\Sprout\Helpers\LinkSpecPage', 'data' => '9']); $data['link_label'] = 'Buy now';
Pdb::insert('homepage_promos', $data);
$data = [];
$data['homepage_id'] = 1;
$data['record_order'] = 3;
$data['active'] = 1;
$data['file_id'] = 4;
$data['heading'] = 'Promo three';
$data['description'] = 'A nice warm laptop for me to sit on';
$data['link'] = json_encode(['class' => '\Sprout\Helpers\LinkSpecPage', 'data' => '10']); Pdb::insert('homepage_promos', $data);