* Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
* This file is a part of SproutCMS.
* SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
namespace Sprout\Helpers;
use Exception;
use Kohana;
* Functions for front-end search indexing
class Search
const WORD_LENGTH = 16;
private static $table;
private static $record_id;
private static $query_and = false;
* Selects the currently active index
* @param string $table Table name, without prefix
* @param int $record_id Record ID
* @return void
public static function selectIndex($table, $record_id)
self::$table = $table;
self::$record_id = (int) $record_id;
* Clears the index chosen with selectIndex()
public static function clearIndex()
Pdb::delete(self::$table, ['record_id' => self::$record_id]);
return true;
* Splits up text, and adds the keywords which are found into the index chosen with selectIndex()
* Usually should be run from within a transaction
* @param string $text The text to process.
* @param float $relevancy_multiplier A multiplier to apply to the relavancy of all keywords found.
public static function indexText($text, $relevancy_multiplier = 1)
$text = iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $text);
$cur_relevancy = 2;
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (strlen($word) < 2) continue; $word = substr($word, 0, self::WORD_LENGTH);
if (!isset($unique_words[$word])) $unique_words[$word] = 0.0; $unique_words[$word] += $cur_relevancy;
$single = Inflector::singular($word);
if ($single != $word) {
if (!isset($unique_words[$single])) { $unique_words[$single] = 0.0;
$unique_words[$single] += $cur_relevancy * 0.7;
if ($cur_relevancy > 1) $cur_relevancy -= 0.01;
return self::addWordsIndex($unique_words, $relevancy_multiplier);
* Splits up html, and adds the keywords which are found into the index chosen with selectIndex()
* Usually should be run from within a transaction
* @param string $text The text to process.
* @param float $relevancy_multiplier A multiplier to apply to the relavancy of all keywords found.
public static function indexHtml($text, $relevancy_multiplier = 1)
$text = Text::plain($text, 0);
return self::indexText($text, $relevancy_multiplier);
* Accepts an array of relevant words and adds it into the index chosen with selectIndex()
* Usually should be run from within a transaction
* @param array $words word => relevancy mapping
* @param int $relevancy_multiplier
private static
function addWordsIndex
(array $words, $relevancy_multiplier = 1) {
$table = self::$table;
if (count($words) == 0) return true;
// Build a reverse index of name => id
$vals = [];
$where = Pdb
::buildClause([['name', 'IN', array_keys($words)]], $vals); $q = "SELECT name, id FROM ~search_keywords WHERE " . $where;
$res = Pdb::q($q, $vals, 'map');
// Iterate through the words, doing an insert...update of the records
// If the search_keywords records do not exist, they will be added
foreach ($words as $word => $relevancy) {
$relevancy = $relevancy * $relevancy_multiplier;
if (empty($word_ids[$word])) { $word_ids[$word] = Pdb::insert('search_keywords', ['name' => $word]);
$q = "INSERT INTO ~{$table}
(keyword_id, record_id, relevancy)
(:word_id, :rec_id, :rel)
relevancy = relevancy + :rel";
$params = [
'word_id' => $word_ids[$word],
'rec_id' => self::$record_id,
'rel' => $relevancy
Pdb::q($q, $params, 'count');
return true;
* Looks for syncronisation errors in the indexes and fixes them
public static function cleanup($reference_table)
$table = self::$table;
// Find keyword records which don't have a matching reference record
$q = "SELECT DISTINCT keywords.record_id
FROM ~{$table} AS keywords
LEFT JOIN ~{$reference_table} AS ref ON keywords.record_id = ref.id
WHERE ref.id IS NULL";
$ids = Pdb::q($q, [], 'col');
if (count($ids) == 0) return true;
// And delete them
Pdb::delete($table, [['record_id', 'IN', $ids]]);
return true;
* Set the 'query_and' parameter, which defines the handling of search terms
public static function queryAnd($val)
self::$query_and = $val;
* Does a query for a term, against a set of search handlers
* @param string $q The keyword(s) to search for.
* @param array $search_handlers Search handlers to use. Expects an array of SearchHandler objects.
* @param int $page The page number to show. Should be 0-based (first page is num 0)
* @param int $num_per_page The number of records to show per page. Defaults to a the sprout config option
* @return array The array contains 4 keys:
* [0] PDOStatement, with three columns: record_id; controller_class; relevancy.
* [1] array The list of keywords used for the search
* [2] int The total number of results available; results are
* paginated, so this is likely to be more than the number of
* results returned.
* [3] int The total number of pages of results
public static function query($query, $search_handlers, $page = 0, $num_per_page = null)
$page = (int) $page;
$num_per_page = (int) $num_per_page;
$conn = Pdb::getConnection();
if ($num_per_page == 0) $num_per_page = Kohana::config('sprout.search_per_page');
if ($num_per_page == 0) $num_per_page = 10;
if (count($search_handlers) == 0) throw new Exception
("No search handlers provided"); if ($page < 0) throw new Exception("Invalid page specified");
$offset = $page * $num_per_page;
// Get keywords
$keywords = $query;
} else {
// Pre-process keywords
foreach ($keywords as $idx => $word) {
foreach ($keywords as $word) {
$word = $conn->quote($word);
$sql_keywords[] = $word;
// Build the SELECT queries which will make up the UNION
$i = 0;
foreach ($search_handlers as $handler) {
$where = $handler->getWhere();
$joins = $handler->getJoins();
$having = $handler->getHaving();
if ($sql_keywords) {
$joins[] = "INNER JOIN ~{$handler->getTable()} AS records ON records.record_id = main.id";
$joins[] = "INNER JOIN ~search_keywords AS keywords ON keywords.id = records.keyword_id";
$where[] = 'keywords.name IN (' . implode(', ', $sql_keywords) . ')';
if (self::$query_and) {
$having[] = 'COUNT(keywords.name) = ' . count($sql_keywords); }
$having[] = 'relevancy > 0';
if (count($where) == 0) continue;
$having = implode(' AND ', $having);
if ($having == '') $having = '1';
$q = '(SELECT ' . ($i == 1 ? 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' : '') . " main.id AS record_id, " . $conn->quote($handler->getCtlrName()) . " AS controller_class, ";
$q .= ($sql_keywords ? 'SUM(records.relevancy)' : '1') . ' AS relevancy';
$q .= "
FROM ~{$handler->getMainTable()} AS main
WHERE {$where}
GROUP BY main.id
HAVING {$having})";
$queries[] = $q;
if (count($queries) == 0) { return false;
// Combine UNIONs
$q = implode("\nUNION DISTINCT\n", $queries); $q .= "\nORDER BY relevancy DESC";
$q .= "\nLIMIT {$num_per_page} OFFSET {$offset}";
// Run the query
$res = Pdb::query($q, [], 'pdo');
$num_results = Pdb::query($q, [], 'val');
$num_pages = ceil($num_results / $num_per_page);
return array($res, $keywords, $num_results, $num_pages); }
* Return HTML to perform pagination.
* $curr_page The current page number (1-based).
* $num_page The total number of pages.
* $div_class If provided, a wrapper div will be generated, with this class name.
public static function paginate($curr_page, $num_pages, $div_class = null)
$out = '';
$url_base = Url::withoutArgs('page');
if ($num_pages == 1) return null;
// Start and end to show
$start = $curr_page - 2;
$end = $curr_page + 4;
if ($start < 1) $start = 1;
if ($end > $num_pages) $end = $num_pages;
if ($div_class) $out .= '<div class="' . $div_class . '">';
if ($curr_page > 1) {
$out .= "<a href=\"{$url_base}page=" . ($curr_page - 1) . "\" class=\"page-prev\">« Prev</a> ";
for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
$class = ($i == $curr_page ? 'page on' : 'page');
$out .= " <a href=\"{$url_base}page={$i}\" class=\"{$class}\">{$i}</a> ";
if ($curr_page < $end) {
$out .= " <a href=\"{$url_base}page=" . ($curr_page + 1) . "\" class=\"page-next\">Next »</a>";
if ($div_class) $out .= '</div>';
return $out;