* Copyright (C) 2017 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
* This file is a part of SproutCMS.
* SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
namespace Sprout\Controllers\Admin;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Sprout\Exceptions\FileMissingException;
use karmabunny\pdb\Exceptions\RowMissingException;
use Sprout\Helpers\Admin;
use Sprout\Helpers\AdminError;
use Sprout\Helpers\AdminPerms;
use Sprout\Helpers\Category;
use Sprout\Helpers\Constants;
use Sprout\Helpers\Csrf;
use Sprout\Helpers\Enc;
use Sprout\Helpers\Inflector;
use Sprout\Helpers\Itemlist;
use Sprout\Helpers\JsonForm;
use Sprout\Helpers\Notification;
use Sprout\Helpers\Pdb;
use Sprout\Helpers\RefineWidgetSelect;
use Sprout\Helpers\Router;
use Sprout\Helpers\Url;
use Sprout\Helpers\View;
* An abstract class for controllers of things which have categories.
abstract class HasCategoriesAdminController extends ManagedAdminController {
protected $controller_name;
protected $friendly_name;
protected $add_defaults = array(); protected $db;
protected $main_columns;
* Enables re-ordering for categories.
* You will need a "record_order" column on the category table.
protected $category_reorder = false;
* Enables single-cat mode.
* This uses radiobuttons instead of checkboxes in the category selection UI.
protected $category_single = false;
* Do we have the 'archive' feature for categories?
* You will need a "show_admin TINYINT UNSIGNED DEFAULT 1" column on the category table.
protected $category_archive = false;
* Constructor
public function __construct()
if (! $this->main_columns) {
$this->main_columns = array('Name' => 'name'); }
// Add refine fields
$records = Pdb::lookup("{$this->table_name}_cat_list");
$records[0] = 'Uncategorised';
$this->refine_bar->addWidget(new RefineWidgetSelect('_category_id', 'Category', $records));
* Returns TRUE if category archive is enabled, FALSE otherwise
public final function getCategoryArchive() {
return $this->category_archive;
* Return true if categories are allowed to be added.
public function catAllowAdd()
return true;
* Return true if categories are allowed to be edited.
public function catAllowEdit($category_id)
return true;
* Return true if categories are allowed to be deleted.
public function catAllowDelete($category_id)
return true;
* Returns the contents of the navigation pane
public function _getNavigation()
$joiner_ref_col = Category::columnMain2joiner($this->table_name);
$where = '1';
$columns = [];
$columns[] = 'categories.id';
$columns[] = 'categories.name';
$columns[] = "COUNT(joiner.{$joiner_ref_col}) AS num_items";
if ($this->category_archive) {
// GET param or SESSION param
$columns[] = 'categories.show_admin';
$_GET['category_type'] = (int) @$_GET['category_type'];
if (! $_GET['category_type']) {
$_GET['category_type'] = @$_SESSION['admin']['category_type'];
// Default
if (! $_GET['category_type']) {
$_GET['category_type'] = Constants::CATEGORIES_CURRENT;
// Where clause and set session
$clause = Constants::$category_admin_where[$_GET['category_type']];
if ($clause) {
$where = $clause;
$_SESSION['admin']['category_type'] = $_GET['category_type'];
// Get the category names, and the number of items in each
$columns = implode(', ', $columns); $q = "SELECT {$columns}
FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_list AS categories
LEFT JOIN ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join AS joiner
ON categories.id = joiner.cat_id
WHERE {$where}
GROUP BY categories.id
ORDER BY " . ($this->category_reorder ? 'categories.record_order, categories.name' : 'categories.name');
$res = Pdb::q($q, [], 'arr');
// Get the number of items which don't have any categories
$where = implode(' AND ', $this->main_where); if (!$where) $where = '1';
$q = "SELECT COUNT(item.id) AS c
FROM ~{$this->table_name} AS item
LEFT JOIN ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join AS joiner ON joiner.{$joiner_ref_col} = item.id
WHERE joiner.{$joiner_ref_col} IS NULL
AND {$where}";
$uncat = (int) Pdb::q($q, [], 'val');
// If there were any, create an 'uncategorised' meta-category
if ($uncat) {
'id' => '0',
'name' => 'Uncategorised',
'num_items' => $uncat
// Create the view and populate it with data
$view = new View('sprout/admin/categories_navigation');
$view->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$view->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$view->category_reorder = $this->category_reorder;
$view->category_archive = $this->category_archive;
$view->categories = $res;
$view->main_add = $this->main_add;
if ($this->category_archive) {
$view->category_archive_type = $_GET['category_type'];
if (Router::$method == 'contents' or Router::$method == 'export') {
$view->export_refine = '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
return $view->render();
* Additional categry tools
public function _getTools()
$tools = parent::_getTools();
if ($this->category_reorder) {
$tools['reorder'] = "<li class=\"reorder\"><a href=\"admin/extra/{$this->controller_name}_category/reorder_categories\">Reorder Categories</a></li>";
return $tools;
* Return the WHERE clause to use for a given key which is provided by the RefineBar
* Allows custom non-table clauses to be added.
* Is only called for key names which begin with an underscore.
* The base table is aliased to 'item'.
* @param string $key The key name, including underscore
* @param string $val The value which is being refined.
* @param array &$query_params Parameters to add to the query which will use the WHERE clause
* @return string WHERE clause, e.g. "item.name LIKE CONCAT('%', ?, '%')", "item.status IN (?, ?, ?)"
protected function _getRefineClause
($key, $val, array &$query_params) {
$joiner_ref_col = Category::columnMain2joiner($this->table_name);
switch ($key) {
case '_category_id':
if ($val == 0) {
// Uncategoried
return "(SELECT 1 FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join AS joiner
WHERE joiner.{$joiner_ref_col} = item.id LIMIT 1) IS NULL";
$query_params[] = $val;
return "(SELECT 1 FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join AS joiner
WHERE joiner.{$joiner_ref_col} = item.id AND joiner.cat_id = ? LIMIT 1) = 1";
return parent::_getRefineClause($key, $val, $query_params);
* Returns the main list of records for this controller
public function _getContents()
if (! isset($_GET['page'])) $_GET['page'] = '1'; $_GET['page'] = (int) $_GET['page'];
// Apply filter
list($where, $params) = $this->applyRefineFilter();
// Apply category filter
if (@$_GET['_category_id'] == '0') {
$title = 'Uncategorised ' . $this->friendly_name;
$category = null;
} else if (empty($_GET['_category_id'])) { $title = 'All ' . $this->friendly_name;
$category = null;
} else {
// All regular categories
$_GET['_category_id'] = (int) $_GET['_category_id'];
$q = "SELECT * FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_list WHERE id = ?";
$category = Pdb::q($q, [$_GET['_category_id']], 'row');
$title = $this->friendly_name . ' category <strong>' . Enc::html($category['name']) . '</strong>';
// Build the where clause
$has_refine = (bool
) count($where); if ($this->main_where) $where = array_merge($where, $this->main_where); if ($where == '') $where = '1';
// Determine record order
$_GET['order'] = preg_replace('/[^_a-z0-9]/', '', @$_GET['order']); if (!empty($_GET['order'])) { Pdb::validateIdentifier($_GET['order']);
$order = "item.{$_GET['order']}";
if (@$_GET['dir'] == 'asc' or @$_GET['dir'] == 'desc') {
$order .= ' ' . $_GET['dir'];
} else {
$_GET['dir'] = 'asc';
} else if (isset($_GET['_category_id'])) { $joiner_table = Category::tableMain2joiner($this->table_name);
$joiner_ref_col = Category::columnMain2joiner($this->table_name);
$cat_id = (int) $_GET['_category_id'];
$order = "(SELECT record_order
FROM ~{$joiner_table}
WHERE {$joiner_ref_col} = item.id AND cat_id = ?
LIMIT 1)";
$params[] = $cat_id;
} else {
$order = $this->main_order;
preg_match('/(item\.)?([_a-z]+)( asc| desc)?/i', $this->main_order, $matches); $_GET['order'] = trim($matches[2]); }
// Get the actual records
$offset = $this->records_per_page * ($_GET['page'] - 1);
$q = $this->_getContentsQuery($where, $order, $params);
$q .= " LIMIT {$this->records_per_page} OFFSET {$offset}";
$items = Pdb::q($q, $params, 'arr');
// Get the total number of records
$total_row_count = Pdb::q("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", [], 'val');
// If no mode set, use the session
// If a mode is set and valid, save in the session
if (empty($_GET['main_mode'])) { $_GET['main_mode'] = @$_SESSION['admin'][$this->controller_name]['main_mode'];
} else if ($this->main_modes[$_GET['main_mode']]) {
$_SESSION['admin'][$this->controller_name]['main_mode'] = $_GET['main_mode'];
// If no valid mode set, use a default
if (empty($this->main_modes[$_GET['main_mode']])) { $_GET['main_mode'] = key($this->main_modes); }
// Build the refine bar
if ($this->refine_bar) {
$refine = $this->refine_bar->get();
} else {
$refine = '';
// Build the mode selector ui
if (count($this->main_modes) > 1) { $mode_sel = $this->_modeSelector($_GET['main_mode']);
} else {
$mode_sel = '';
// If there is no records, tell the user
if ($total_row_count == 0) {
if ($has_refine) {
$items_view = '<p>No records were found which match the specified refinements.</p>';
} else {
$items_view = '<p>No records currently exist in the database.</p>';
} else {
$items_view = $this->_getContentsView($items, $_GET['main_mode'], $category);
// Build the pagination bar
if ($total_row_count > $this->records_per_page) {
$paginate = $this->_paginationBar($_GET['page'], $total_row_count);
} else {
$paginate = '';
'title' => $title,
'content' => $refine . $mode_sel . $items_view . $paginate,
* Return HTML for a resultset of items
* The returned HTML will be sandwiched between the refinebar and the pagination bar.
* @param Traversable $items The items to render.
* @param string $mode The mode of the display.
* @param StdClass $category Category details if a category has been selected.
public function _getContentsView($items, $mode, $category)
return $this->_getContentsViewList($items, $category);
* Formats a resultset of items into an Itemlist
* @param Traversable $items The items to render.
* @param StdClass $category Category details if a category has been selected.
public function _getContentsViewList($items, $category)
// Create the itemlist
$itemlist = new Itemlist();
$itemlist->main_columns = $this->main_columns;
$itemlist->items = $items;
$itemlist->setActionsClasses('button button-small');
// Add the actions
$itemlist->addAction('edit', "SITE/admin/edit/{$this->controller_name}/%%");
foreach ($this->main_actions as $name => $url) {
$itemlist->addAction($name, $url, 'button-grey');
if ($this->getDuplicateEnabled()) {
$itemlist->addAction('Duplicate', "SITE/admin/duplicate/{$this->controller_name}/%%", 'button-grey icon-before icon-add');
if ($this->main_delete) {
$itemlist->addAction('Delete', "SITE/admin/delete/{$this->controller_name}/%%", 'button button-red icon-before icon-delete');
// Add classes based on visibility fields
$visibility = $this->_getVisibilityFields();
$itemlist->setRowClassesFunc(function($row) use($visibility) {
$out = '';
foreach ($visibility as $name => $label) {
$out .= "main-list--{$name}-{$row[$name]} ";
// Prepare view which renders the main content area
$outer = new View("sprout/admin/categories_itemlist_outer");
// Build the outer view
$outer->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$outer->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$outer->category_reorder = $this->category_reorder;
$outer->itemlist = $itemlist->render();
$outer->allow_add = $this->main_add;
$outer->allow_del = $this->main_delete;
$outer->category = $category;
return $outer->render();
* Called when the import form is being built.
* Returns HTML of extra options to display, or null if no extra options.
protected function _importExtraOptions()
$view = new View('sprout/admin/categories_import_options');
// Get the categories
$cats_table = Category::tableMain2cat($this->table_name);
$q = "SELECT category.id, category.name
FROM ~{$cats_table} AS category
ORDER BY category.name";
$view->cats = Pdb::q($q, [], 'map');
return $view;
* Called after a record has been inserted or updated.
* @param int $record_id The id of the record that was inserted or updated.
* @param array $new_data The new data of the record.
* @param array $existing_record The old data of the record, which has now been replaced.
* @param string $type One of 'insert' or 'update'.
* @param boolean False if any errors are encountered; will cancel the entire import process.
protected function _importPostRecord($record_id, $new_data, $existing_record, $type, $raw_data)
if (! parent::_importPostRecord ($record_id, $new_data, $existing_record, $type, $raw_data)) return false;
if (@count($_POST['categories'])) { foreach ($_POST['categories'] as $cat_id) {
Category::insertInto($this->table_name, $record_id, $cat_id);
return true;
* Returns a page title and HTML for a form to add a record
* @return array Two elements: 'title' and 'content'
public function _getAddForm()
$data = $this->add_defaults;
} else {
$data = [];
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_values'])) { $data = $_SESSION['admin']['field_values'];
unset($_SESSION['admin']['field_values']); }
$errors = [];
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'])) { $errors = $_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'];
unset($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors']); }
// Get the categories
$q = "SELECT category.id, category.name
FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_list AS category
ORDER BY category.name";
$cats = Pdb::q($q, [], 'map');
if (!isset($data['categories'])) $data['categories'] = []; if (!empty($_GET['category_id'])) { $data['categories'][] = (int) $_GET['category_id'];
// Auto-generate form from JSON where possible
$conf = false;
try {
$conf = $this->loadEditJson();
$view = new View('sprout/auto_edit');
$view->id = 0;
$view->config = $conf;
} catch (FileMissingException $ex) {
$view_dir = $this->getModulePath();
$view = new View("{$view_dir}/admin/{$this->controller_name}_add");
$view->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$view->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$view->data = $data;
$view->errors = $errors;
$view->cats = $cats;
'title' => 'Adding ' . Enc::html(Inflector::singular($this->friendly_name)),
'content' => $view->render()
* Returns the edit form for adding a record
* @param int $id The id of the record to get the edit form of
public function _getEditForm($id)
$id = (int) $id;
$joiner_ref_col = Category::columnMain2joiner($this->table_name);
// Get the item
$q = "SELECT * FROM ~{$this->table_name} WHERE id = ?";
try {
$item = Pdb::q($q, [$id], 'row');
} catch (RowMissingException $ex) {
$single = Inflector::singular($this->friendly_name);
return new AdminError("Invalid id specified - {$single} does not exist");
$data = $item;
// Get the categories
$q = "SELECT category.id, category.name
FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_list AS category
ORDER BY category.name";
$cats = Pdb::q($q, [], 'map');
// Get the selected categories
if (!isset($data['categories'])) { $q = "SELECT cat_id
FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join
WHERE {$joiner_ref_col} = ?";
$data['categories'] = Pdb::q($q, [$id], 'col');
// Auto-generate form from JSON where possible
$conf = false;
try {
$conf = $this->loadEditJson();
$view = new View('sprout/auto_edit');
$view->config = $conf;
$default_link = Inflector::singular($this->table_name) . '_id';
$data = array_merge($data, JsonForm
::loadMultiEditData($conf, $default_link, $id, [])); $data = array_merge($data, JsonForm
::loadAutofillListData($conf, $this->table_name, $id, [])); } catch (FileMissingException $ex) {
$view_dir = $this->getModulePath();
$view = new View("{$view_dir}/admin/{$this->controller_name}_edit");
// Overlay session data
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_values'])) { $data = array_merge($data, $_SESSION['admin']['field_values']); unset ($_SESSION['admin']['field_values']); }
$errors = [];
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'])) { $errors = $_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'];
unset($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors']); }
$view->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$view->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$view->id = $id;
$view->item = $item;
$view->data = $data;
$view->errors = $errors;
$view->cats = $cats;
$this->_editPreRender($view, $id);
$title = 'Editing ' . Enc::html(Inflector::singular($this->friendly_name));
'title' => $title . ' <strong>' . Enc::html($this->_identifier($item)) . '</strong>',
'content' => $view->render()
* Returns the edit form for duplicating a record
* @param int $id The id of the record to get the data from
public function _getDuplicateForm($id)
$id = (int) $id;
if ($id <= 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$id must be greater than 0');
// Get the item
$q = "SELECT * FROM ~{$this->table_name} WHERE id = ?";
$data = $item = Pdb::q($q, [$id], 'row');
// Get the categories
$cat_table = Category::tableMain2cat($this->table_name);
$q = "SELECT category.id, category.name
FROM ~{$cat_table} AS category
ORDER BY category.name";
$cats = Pdb::q($q, [], 'map');
// Clobber duplication fields with any defaults defined in controller
if (@count($this->duplicate_defaults)) { foreach ($this->duplicate_defaults as $key => $val) {
$data[$key] = $val;
// Overlay session data
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_values'])) { $data = array_merge($data, $_SESSION['admin']['field_values']); unset ($_SESSION['admin']['field_values']); }
$errors = [];
if (!empty($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'])) { $errors = $_SESSION['admin']['field_errors'];
unset($_SESSION['admin']['field_errors']); }
// Get the selected categories
if (empty($data['categories'])) { $data['categories'] = array(); $q = "SELECT cat_id
FROM ~{$this->table_name}_cat_join
WHERE {$this->controller_name}_id = ?";
$data['categories'] = Pdb::q($q, [$id], 'col');
// Auto-generate form from JSON where possible
$conf = false;
try {
$conf = $this->loadEditJson();
$view = new View('sprout/auto_edit');
$view->config = $conf;
$default_link = Inflector::singular($this->table_name) . '_id';
$data = array_merge($data, JsonForm
::loadMultiEditData($conf, $default_link, $id, [])); $data = array_merge($data, JsonForm
::loadAutofillListData($conf, $this->table_name, $id, [])); } catch (FileMissingException $ex) {
$view_dir = $this->getModulePath();
$view = new View("{$view_dir}/admin/{$this->controller_name}_edit");
$view->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$view->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$view->id = $id;
$view->item = $item;
$view->data = $data;
$view->errors = $errors;
$view->cats = $cats;
$this->_duplicatePreRender($view, $id);
$title = 'Duplicating ' . Enc::html(Inflector::singular($this->friendly_name));
'title' => $title . ' <strong>' . Enc::html($this->_identifier($item)) . '</strong>',
'content' => $view->render()
* Deletes an item and logs the deleted data
* This method should not be overridden unless absolutely necessary.
* @param int $item_id The record to delete
* @return bool True on success, false on failure
* @throws QueryException
public function _deleteSave($item_id)
$item_id = (int) $item_id;
if (!$this->_isDeleteSaved($item_id)) return false;
// Start transaction
$extant_transaction = Pdb::inTransaction();
if (!$extant_transaction) Pdb::transact();
// Delete record
$this->deleteRecord($this->table_name, $item_id);
// Delete categories
// N.B. these will already have been deleted if the foreign keys are correctly defined
$cat_table = Category::tableMain2joiner($this->table_name);
$record_col = Category::columnMain2joiner($this->table_name);
Pdb::delete($cat_table, [$record_col => $item_id]);
// Commit
if (!$extant_transaction) Pdb::commit();
return true;
* Updates the category table for this controller (so for articles, the updated table will be articles_cat_join)
* so that the records for the specified item match the category ids provided.
* @param array $categories A list of category-ids which the specified item should be associated with
* @param int $id The id of the item to set the categories for
* @return boolean True on success, false on failure
* @api
* @module-api
protected function updateCategories($item_id, $categories)
$item_id = (int) $item_id;
$table_name = $this->table_name . '_cat_join';
$item_column = $this->controller_name . '_id';
// Find out what is in the db
$q = "SELECT cat_id FROM ~{$table_name} WHERE {$item_column} = ?";
$res = Pdb::q($q, [$item_id], 'arr');
// If it's in the list, remove it from the list, otherwise mark for removal from the db
foreach ($res as $row) {
if ($idx === false) {
$delete[] = $row['cat_id'];
} else {
unset ($categories[$idx]); }
// Add everything that is in the list into the db
if (@count($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $cat_id) {
$cat_id = (int) $cat_id;
$update_fields = array(); $update_fields[$item_column] = $item_id;
$update_fields['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
Pdb::insert($table_name, $update_fields);
$this->logAddCategory(Inflector::plural($this->controller_name), $item_id, $cat_id);
// Remove everything from the delete list
foreach ($delete as $cat_id) {
$cat_id = (int) $cat_id;
$q = "DELETE FROM ~{$table_name} WHERE {$item_column} = ? AND cat_id = ?";
Pdb::q($q, [$item_id, $cat_id], 'count');
$this->logDeleteCategory(Inflector::plural($this->controller_name), $item_id, $cat_id);
return true;
* Form to change the categories for a number of records
public function _extraMultiCategorise()
if (! AdminPerms::controllerAccess($this->getControllerName(), 'edit')) {
return new AdminError('Access denied');
if (empty($_GET['ids'])) { Notification::error('No items selected for categorisation');
Url::redirect('admin/contents/' . $this->controller_name);
$view = new View('sprout/admin/categories_multi_categorise');
$view->controller_name = $this->controller_name;
$view->friendly_name = $this->friendly_name;
$view->ids = $_GET['ids'];
// Get the categories
$cat_table = Category::tableMain2cat($this->table_name);
$q = "SELECT category.id, category.name
FROM ~{$cat_table} AS category
ORDER BY category.name";
$view->cats = Pdb::q($q, [], 'map');
// Get the items
$params = [];
$where = Pdb::buildClause([['item.id', 'IN', $_GET['ids']]], $params);
$q = $this->_getContentsQuery($where, 'item.id', $params);
$items = Pdb::q($q, $params, 'arr');
// Create the itemlist
$itemlist = new Itemlist();
$itemlist->main_columns = $this->main_columns;
$itemlist->items = $items;
$view->itemlist = $itemlist->render();
return $view;
* Change the categories for a number of records
public function postMultiCategorise()
if (! AdminPerms::controllerAccess($this->getControllerName(), 'edit')) {
Notification::error('Access denied');
Url::redirect('admin/contents/' . $this->controller_name);
if (empty($_POST['ids'])) { Notification::error('No items selected for categorisation');
Url::redirect('admin/contents/' . $this->controller_name);
Notification::error('No categories specified for addition');
::redirect('admin/extra/' . $this->controller_name . '/multi_categorise' . '?' . http_build_query($_POST)); }
if (!empty($_POST['mode']) and
$_POST['mode'] == 'mod') { // Modify categories mode
foreach ($_POST['ids'] as $item_id) {
$res = $this->updateCategories($item_id, $_POST['categories']);
if (! $res) {
Notification::error('Database error');
Url::redirect('admin/contents/' . $this->controller_name);
} else {
// Add categories mode by default
foreach ($_POST['ids'] as $item_id) {
foreach ($_POST['categories'] as $cat_id) {
Category::insertInto($this->table_name, $item_id, $cat_id);
Notification::confirm('Categorisation was successful');
Url::redirect('admin/contents/' . $this->controller_name);