
This is the code documentation for the SproutCMS project

source of /sprout/views/image_gallery_wide_slider.php

  1. <?php
  2. /*
  3.  * kate: tab-width 4; indent-width 4; space-indent on; word-wrap off; word-wrap-column 120;
  4.  * :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=true:wrap=false:maxLineLen=120:mode=php:
  5.  *
  6.  * Copyright (C) 2015 Karmabunny Pty Ltd.
  7.  *
  8.  * This file is a part of SproutCMS.
  9.  *
  10.  * SproutCMS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
  11.  * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
  12.  * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  13.  *
  14.  * For more information, visit <http://getsproutcms.com>.
  15.  */
  17. use Sprout\Helpers\Enc;
  18. use Sprout\Helpers\File;
  19. use Sprout\Helpers\Needs;
  22. Needs::fileGroup('magnific_popup');
  23. Needs::fileGroup('slick');
  24. Needs::fileGroup('image_gallery_slider');
  26. // Create unique identifier to allow multiple on a page
  27. $unique = md5(microtime(true));
  28. ?>
  30. <?php if (!empty($images) and count($images) > 0): ?>
  31. <ul class="image-gallery-slider js--<?php echo Enc::html($unique); if ($captions): ?> image-gallery-has-captions<?php endif; ?>">
  32. <?php foreach ($images as $image): ?>
  33. <?php if (!empty($image['filename']) and File::exists($image['filename'])): ?>
  34. <li class="image-gallery-slider__item">
  35. <a href="<?php echo Enc::html(File::resizeUrl($image['filename'], $config['full_size'])); ?>"
  36. <?php if ($captions): ?> title="<?php echo Enc::html($image['name'] . ' - ' . $image['description']); ?>"<?php endif; ?>
  37. class="image-gallery-slider__link gallery-<?php echo Enc::html($unique); ?>">
  38. <img src="<?php echo Enc::html(File::resizeUrl($image['filename'], $config['slider_size'] . '-' . $cropping)) ?>" alt="<?php echo Enc::html($image['name']); ?>">
  39. </a>
  40. <?php if (!empty($captions)): ?>
  41. <p class="image-gallery-caption"><?php echo Enc::html($image['name']); ?></p>
  42. <?php endif; ?>
  43. </li>
  44. <?php endif; ?>
  45. <?php endforeach; ?>
  46. </ul>
  48. <script>
  49. $(document).ready(function() {
  50. var unique = '<?php echo Enc::js($unique); ?>';
  52. if(jQuery().magnificPopup) {
  53. $('.gallery-<?php echo Enc::js($unique); ?>').magnificPopup({
  54. type: 'image',
  55. gallery: {
  56. enabled: true
  57. }
  58. });
  59. }
  60. if (jQuery().slick) {
  61. $('.image-gallery-slider.js--' + unique).slick({
  62. dots: <?php echo Enc::js(!empty($slider_dots)?'true':'false'); ?>,
  63. arrows: <?php echo Enc::js(!empty($slider_arrows)?'true':'false'); ?>,
  64. autoplay: <?php echo Enc::js(!empty($slider_autoplay)?'true':'false'); ?>,
  65. autoplaySpeed: <?php echo Enc::js($slider_speed * 1000); ?>,
  66. slidesToShow: <?php echo Enc::js($slider_images); ?>,
  67. slidesToScroll: <?php echo Enc::js($slider_images); ?>,
  68. responsive: [
  69. <?php if ($slider_images == 4): ?>
  70. {
  71. breakpoint: 1200,
  72. settings: {
  73. slidesToShow: 4,
  74. slidesToScroll: 4
  75. }
  76. },
  77. <?php endif; ?>
  78. {
  79. breakpoint: 992,
  80. settings: {
  81. slidesToShow: <?php echo ($slider_images - 1) > 0 ? $slider_images - 1 : 1; ?>,
  82. slidesToScroll: <?php echo ($slider_images - 1) > 0 ? $slider_images - 1 : 1; ?>
  83. }
  84. },
  85. {
  86. breakpoint: 768,
  87. settings: {
  88. slidesToShow: <?php echo ($slider_images - 2) > 0 ? $slider_images - 2 : 1; ?>,
  89. slidesToScroll: <?php echo ($slider_images - 2) > 0 ? $slider_images - 2 : 1; ?>
  90. }
  91. },
  92. {
  93. breakpoint: 520,
  94. settings: {
  95. slidesToShow: 1,
  96. slidesToScroll: 1
  97. }
  98. }
  99. ]
  100. });
  101. }
  102. });
  103. </script>
  104. <?php endif; ?>