source of /sprout/views/admin/worker_job_manual_run.php<?php use Sprout\Helpers\Csrf; use Sprout\Helpers\Form; ?> <div class="info"> This tool will manually run a worker job class from within a browser request. Note that as they're running in a browser, the jobs may run out of ram or execution time. </div> <form action="admin/call/worker_job/manualRunAction" method="post"> <?= Csrf::token(); ?> <?php Form::nextFieldDetails('Worker class', true, 'This must include the namespace'); echo Form::text('class_name', ['placeholder' => 'e.g. Sprout\\Helpers\\WorkerLinkChecker'], []); ?> <?php Form::nextFieldDetails('Arguments', false, 'Provide this as a JSON array'); echo Form::multiline('args', ['placeholder' => 'e.g. [ "" ]', 'rows' => 5], []); ?> <div class="action-log"> <button class="button" type="submit">Run worker job</button> </div> </form>