
This is the code documentation for the SproutCMS project

function widgetList()

Shows a UI for the list of widgets, for editing


void Admin::widgetList ( string $field_name , WidgetArea $area , array $curr_widgets [, boolean $enable_all ] );


  1. string $field_name
    Name of the field to store the final value when the form is submitted
  2. WidgetArea $area
    The area that is being edited
  3. array $curr_widgets
    A list of the widgets currently being used, in order, as db rows with keys:
             type       string    Class name, e.g. 'RichText'
             settings   string    Opaque JSON string
             conditions string    Opaque JSON string
             active     int       1 for active, 0 for inactive
             heading    string    HTML H2 rendered front-end within widget
  4. boolean $enable_all = TRUE
    Toggle whether all the widgets are enabled by default (defaults to true)

Return value

  • void